The disabled/elderly may wish to stay at the MPA reception in McCombs prior to the ceremony so they can stay out of the heat. At 2:30 p.m. the doors to the gym will open and they can enter through the regular doors (where students normally check in) and sit on the chairs provided to take their turn to use the elevator. They will not have to climb the outdoor stairs like the other guests.

We have information regarding disability services on our website. There is no handicapped parking (cars will need to be parked in a garage) but there will be a drop-off zone in front of the gym.

You may be interested in renting a wheelchair for the day if that works best for your family.

Please note that Friday May 3 is the last day to request a sign-language interpreter for the MPA ceremony.  If you are interested in having one at the ceremony, please e-mail or call the MPA Program Office at 512-471-6559 by May 3 so that arrangements can be made.

Submitted by Madeline Chauvin