This is a reminder that you have mailboxes.  They are in the MPA Mailroom in CBA 4.302.  Your mailbox number was e-mailed to you but if you’ve forgotten, there are hard copies in the mailroom as well.

Your professors would like both your name AND your mailbox number on everything you turn in.  This is how your professors return your papers and exams.  Please check your mailbox about once a week or so, so that you don’t miss anything important, and to avoid cluttering up the room.  There is also a bulletin board with important notices in the room, as well as some flyers about campus resources.  If you find someone else’s paperwork in your mailbox please look up their number on the list and put it in the correct mailbox.

There is a paper recycling bin in the mailroom….this may seem obvious but please only put paper in it! There are garbage cans and other recycling bins about 10 feet away in the hallway.

For questions, please contact

Submitted by Madeline Chauvin