Association of Government Accountants Austin Chapter Networking Event
The Association of Government Accountants Austin Chapter invites you to join us at our Early Careers, Student and Government Office Networking Event to be held on Thursday, February 24th from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. at Garrido’s, 360 Nueces on W. 3rd Street, across from the Austin Music Hall. The event is free to attend, light appetizers will be served. Enter our drawing for one paid year of membership for an early career or student member!
As the government’s work force is retiring, many opportunities are opening up for emerging leaders. This is why we are dedicating the month of February to Early Career members. Involvement with the GA puts you in contact with other government accountability professionals in your area. Government Office participation has always been a core segment of our active members. We wish to reach out once again to those in government offices who have not participated before, or who may have been active in previous years. Your experience and knowledge is crucial to the continued growth of our profession!
AGA membership is a great opportunity for learning, networking and growth within the field of financial management; AGA members represent the diversity of the field including a wide array of individual and organizational demographics. AGA membership means being part of a tremendous nationwide network! For more information, please visit the AGA’s Austin Chapter website at or call Paul Morris, Austin Chapter Membership Chair at (512) 963-1687. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Submitted by Francisco Loredo
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