What Makes Your Employees the Best Brand Ambassadors

Brand awareness is very crucial to the success of every business as it drives sales and attracts new talent. The good thing here is that you do not need a million-dollar budget to build a strong brand. Your most valuable brand ambassadors are just right in front of you.

Brand ambassadors are the individuals that the company uses to highlight the company positively. They are entrusted with the responsibilities of promoting products or services offered by the company. And in most cases, workers are the best brand ambassadors.

Why do employees matter as brand ambassadors?

With well-trained workers in product promotion, the company will likely grow in profitability and face little competition. By the time you are settling on using your employees as brand ambassadors, you will find out that most of them have already established loyalty with the customers.

That means that connecting with the customers is very easy for them. Suppose you face issues with encouraging workers to promote the brand of your products.

You can use Employee Advocacy Software by ClearviewSocial to encourage them to share the company’s content. You can use different types of employee advocacy like webinars and company events. But the fastest mode will be using social media with your employees as the ambassadors of your product.

It’s just simple. Ensure that you empower your employees to make some of the decisions in the company. When they are empowered, employees get engaged in most of the company’s affairs, and as a result, they become natural ambassadors. Here are reasons why workers are great promoters of the company’s product.

Employees are the first faces of customers

Employees are the front-of-house representatives for your business. When customers come to your business, they first meet them. Sometimes, you may not even meet the customers as the employees solve most of the issues with them immediately. In this case, their words and actions are very powerful in promoting your products.

If the customers experience positive interactions with the employees, they are likely to keep coming back for more. On the other hand, workers who are excited about what they are doing are likely to willingly go above and beyond to provide excellent services to the customers.

They pave the way for brand recognition

Workers pave the way for brand recognition, leading to more revenue flow in the company. Studies show that engaged and empowered employees are likely to double the company’s revenue compared to others where there is limited employees’ freedom. Even if your business has a strong or powerful mission, without employees as the ambassadors, the company’s growth may be very difficult.

Most customers commit to the products based on the experience over the what the advertising features. Others develop an interest in certain products because they are connected with the employees. The higher the level of engagement between the employees and the customers, the greater the brand recognition.

Your employees know your product best

Most of your employees are well-versed with the production process and the details of the ingredients or raw materials used to make the goods. That’s to suggest they know the ins and outs of the business. They have undergone a lot of experience and have learned a lot about what it takes to succeed. So, it’s a matter of them learning the art of advertising language, and they will promote your products better than any other agency.

They can share your brand with the customers they are connected with using the gained knowledge. Great ambassadors have a great vision for the company, operate accordingly, and set the foundation for greatness in the business. They deliver a high-level customer experience and knowledge about the products that no other party can.

The Importance of Relationship Map for the Growth of Your Business

Relationship mapping improves sales procedures and builds a more informed team of representatives for surgical proposals and presentations. Using this technique instead of traditional organizational charts yields significantly greater results in sales margins and revenue growth. 

Most importantly, relationship maps have a direct bearing on a company’s growth in the short to long term. Relationship mapping has aspects that foster positive growth prospects for businesses. What are the most common growth prospects that businesses can think of by using relationship maps? Let’s take a look.

Retaining customers

Business growth relies on retaining customers since that manifests a healthy relationship between your business and consumers. If customers choose you over the competition, they are highly likely to suggest the products or services provided to others. Using a Relationship Mapping Software contributes to retaining customers and keeping them satisfied. 

Whether B2B or B2C transactions, properly maintaining relationship maps on Prolifiq will lead to business growth. The tool uses AI to maintain developed relationship maps, aggregates all the insights gathered, and outputs comprehensive Business Intelligence findings. Those findings can be used to retain current customers and find other potential loyal consumers.

Upselling to current customers

One of the most effective growth methods is upselling when customers make a purchase. Having relationship maps gives you a peek into the user habits of the customers, making it easy to upsell whenever the time is right. Most e-commerce platforms upsell directly as users purchase by direct selling. 

Maintaining relationship maps promotes more targeted and effective upselling. The timing has to be correct, and the suggested products need to match user habits. Relationship maps reveal that information as comprehensive data is gathered and stored about customers. This type of upselling is common in the B2B sector for frequent customers due to its nature.

Vertical expansion opportunities

Expanding vertically within the sector and niche you are in has the potential of driving significant growth within your company. As a B2B supplier, there might be various other items in stock that can be marketed and sold within that relative market. At the same time, B2B suppliers can easily source items in high demand within their respective industries and niches. 

Mapping relationships can help unlock those opportunities, especially since it offers insights into key decision-makers in a buying group. Those decision-makers can be convinced to source other products from your business, unlocking vertical growth with higher profit margins.

Expanding to different markets

The networking opportunities provided by relationship mapping can also open expansion opportunities to completely different markets. Sometimes, executives within a buying group might have other business interests elsewhere. 

Making a strong initial impression can put you in a favorable spot with all decision-makers within the buying group. The only way to do this is to understand everyone within a buying group. Understanding their motivations and core beliefs with the intention of aligning your proposal using the information you have can open opportunities in other markets. Those markets could be different from the one you were targeting at that point.

Effectively using relationship mapping tools

Relationship mapping tools have a wealth of information that businesses can utilize to optimize sales margins and revenue streams. There are plenty of growth opportunities that result from mapping business relationships continuously with an advanced tool. Relationship mapping tools generally require little initial input from you, but more insights can be added as time goes on. 

Ensure that the tool is fed accurate information and on time to properly identify valid growth opportunities. Lastly, use every bit of information to improve sales procedures and promote the culture of retaining customers.

Creating Sustainability in Businesses with Lean Six Sigma

Many blue-chip companies have used the Six Sigma business sustainability model to help them enhance performance and deliver quality service. The model has been in use for many years and it has been tested and proved to work.

The model does not work with just a section of business stakeholders, but it demands everyone to be put on board for it to work perfectly. Willingness must come from the top management and flow downwards to the lowest level. Every business can create a sustainable business using this framework.

Why use Six Sigma?

Although Lean Six Sigma can be traced back to the 19th century, it wasn’t used as a business framework successfully until recently. In the business world, the framework was incorporated into the current mainstream business from the 1980s. To date, Six Sigma remains the most practical method used for improving business productivity, processes, and customer service.

Since its inception, many businesses have used the framework to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Its adoption into the business environment has helped to set the pace for continuous improvement and to use the Six Sigma tools, businesses can reduce variances, defects and identify the source of errors so that businesses can improve on their products and services.

Elements of Lean Six Sigma

The framework uses three major elements in its lean business model. The first is tools and techniques, which is a set of approaches used to identify problems and provide solutions. The next is process and methodology, which form the tactics used to support the strategies adopted to work out on fully solving the problems identified.

The last one is the mindset and culture, which helps set the right way of thinking based on available information and methods that help attain sustainable and continued improvement of services. These three help strengthen each other so that a business can continuously grow positively while improving production and service.

The Six Sigma Tools

For businesses to improve efficiency and effectiveness, they must adapt unique problem-solving tools and use them continuously. Using both qualitative and quantitative strategies, businesses can apply and integrate these tools for both short-term and long-term gain. Here are the tools that help make this goal a reality.

Flow: Flow describes the processes a product goes through from the source of raw materials to delivery to the plant, value addition, and delivery to customers while eliminating blockages or stoppages. The process must remain smooth.

DMAIC: It is an important lean tool and uses data to help improve strategies and processes. It is an independent tool and stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.

Voice of the customer: This tool helps identify the needs of a customer and then create a platform for the customer to be heard and responded to in a timely way.

Five S’s: It is a tool that helps promote a work environment that is safe, waste-free, clean, organized, and healthy.

Visual workplace: Machines at the workplace come in at this level and they must help create a smooth flow of information so that both the human resource and machines can work together to enhance production.

Seven wastes: It focuses on the total reduction or elimination of wastes at all levels from producing the right quantities, avoiding unreasonable transportation, not processing too much, having the right workers, machines, materials, reducing defects, and having the right inventories.

Value stream mapping: This tool helps map the path followed by a product in its production process. The person concerned draws that process on a paper from its starting point to the final phase. He then creates a visual presentation of the current process.

After that, he creates another visual process presenting how that process should be in the future. The future presentation should be the guiding map to help improve the product and the process.


Networking for Introverts

My personality type, according to Myers-Briggs, is INTJ. This means that I’m introverted. When I tell people that I just meet that I’m an introvert, they usually don’t believe me. I’m pretty friendly when you first meet me, I love public speaking. That’s the common misconception about introverts– that we’re all a pack of antisocial outcasts that can’t hold a conversation. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

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I actually love people; it’s just that when I interact with large droves of them, it drains me. Because of this, networking for many introverts is a nightmare. However, as a business student, networking is vital for finding a job and then excelling at it.

I’ve learned that networking doesn’t have to be draining. Here’s a couple of tips of how I do it:

  1. Don’t try to talk to everyone at once.
    Seriously, you don’t have to talk to everyone at the event.  Instead, choose a couple of people that you can relate to and concentrate all of your energy on them. This is great because you make a more memorable connection with someone AND you don’t get drained by attempting to talk to EVERYONE at once.
  2. People at networking events want to meet you.
    A lot of my introverted friends are too terrified of talking to anyone at the event because they don’t know what they’re going to say. Don’t be scared. Most people want to talk to you. They want to tell you about their jobs. They want to meet you. Just ask them a question about themselves or the company and the conversation will eventually flow naturally.

Remember, you don’t have to be an extrovert to be good at networking. If you’ve been avoiding networking events because your introvert– stop. You can do it!