Application Tips: Letters of Recommendation

Things to consider when working on your recommendation letters
One of the first things you’ll want to think about when starting your application to the McCombs Master of Science Programs is who you’d like to write your letters of recommendation. The most effective letters will describe an applicant’s quantitative skills and intellectual ability. For MSITM, letters should also emphasize the applicant’s programming ability. We’ve provided some helpful hints below to get you started:

How many letters of recommendation are required?

You are required to have 2 letters as part of your application.

Should my letters come from academic or professional sources?

The admissions committees of each program highly recommend that at least one letter (or two for MSITM) come from an academic reference. You are welcome to have all of your letters come from academic references, or professional references will also be considered. When thinking about your letters, consider the amount of time you’ve been out of school. For those with significant work experience, it may be more appropriate to have your letters come from professional references. Applicants who are recent graduates may fine that their professors are best suited to discuss their qualifications.

When should I complete the recommendation section in my application?

Complete this part of your application first. Recommendation letters should be received by the application deadline, so you want to give your recommenders plenty of time to complete these requests. Letters of recommendation are received directly from the recommender via a secure portal. While completing your application, you will be able to send your recommender an invitation to access this secure portal to submit their recommendation. Contact your recommenders as soon as possible to let them know they’ll receive an email once you save the section. Sometimes these emails end up in a junk folder. Once your letter of recommendation is received, you will receive an automated email. You can monitor the status of your recommendations on your McCombs application status page and resent notifications and reminders from within the application as needed.

What else should I think about when considering my recommenders?

The admissions committees of each program want to hear from academic and professional references who know you well and can speak to your abilities. These are typically professors and supervisors that you have engaged with throughout your academic and professional careers. We recommend meeting with the person you’d like to write a letter for you and discuss your interests in the program and why you think they would be a good person to speak to your qualifications. Be mindful of the time commitment and give them as much of advance notice as possible.

Questions about recommendation letters or any other application components? We are here to help! Send us an email at

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