Home state: Marietta, GA
MPA Track: Taxation
Class Status: tMPA
Estimated Graduation Date: Summer 2015
What led you to accounting?
Working at a small company, I was privileged to work a lot with the corporate finance personnel. Additionally, I worked closely with our clients’ patient accounting departments. The combination of working with both groups, in tandem with a desire to learn a hard skill, led me to accounting.
Why did you choose the MPA program?
I was looking for a program that would definitely hone my technical skills in accounting, but I wanted to also be pushed in developing my soft skills. The Texas MPA has consistently proven itself to be the most adept program at teaching the hard skills, and I think the environment is second to none.
What do you look forward to most about your MPA experience?
I look forward to stretching myself in a competitive, yet friendly, environment. I am excited to go so deep into a field that is relatively new to me, and I can’t wait to meet new friends and see where we all end up in a year.
What have you been up to since you received your undergraduate degree?
I sold data storage to hospitals for the 2 1/2 years between graduating from The University of Georgia and beginning my studies at McCombs. It was a dynamic field, and I enjoyed building work relationships, but I felt that I needed to develop a marketable skill set.
What advice do you have for students interested in the MPA program?
I suggest that you seriously vet all of your options. There are many great degrees to pursue, based on your future goals. Also, find a place that fits you best. I was lucky enough to find that The University of Texas fit my personality and desires best, but that won’t necessarily be the case for everybody.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
I spend most of my time in the Reliant Productivity Center, but my favorite spot is the Cactus Cafe! I also like the Turtle Pond.
Where are your favorite places to go and favorite things to do in Austin?
I’m new to Austin, so I’m still exploring. My wife and I like going to Rainey Street, finding new restaurants, and getting to know our area of town.