Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
MPA Track: Managerial Accounting & Control/Financial Reporting & Assurance
Class Status: tMPA
Estimated Graduation Date: August/December 2016
Why did you choose the MPA program?
I choose the Texas MPA program because it fits my unique needs and has an excellent reputation worldwide. I do not have an undergraduate accounting degree, or even a business degree, so my options for a Master’s were limited from the start. Thankfully the MPA program shows up pretty quickly on a Google search and after a little research Texas became my top choice. As an added bonus my awesome parents will be relocating to Austin just in time for me to start summer school! I love knowing that I will be prepared professionally when I leave Texas, have received every possible advantage that a Graduate Accounting program can provide, and have gone through this journey surrounded by family that believes in me.