Category Archives: Darrin

Darrin Harvey’s posts

3rd-year MPA recruiting prep

*These are pictures from the Big 4 dinners. Oh, how I miss the fancy dining.*

The first year of MPA was full of some of the most significant choices I have had to make in my college life.  What do I want to do?  Where do I want to live?  Who do I want to work for?  All a bit nerve-wracking for any one of us to deal with…on top of all our HW and EXAMS!!!!

But now looking back on it, I have found a few tips and tricks that made my recruiting process sooo much easier.

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Hook ’em Horns, baby!

Unlike the vast majority of students at UT, I was fortunate enough to have a freshman year where the UT football team ended as National Champions.  The day Vince Young announced he was going into the NFL draft, I am pretty sure a small part of me died inside thinking that we would never win again.

But here we are again, ranked No. 1 in the country after beating down OU and then giving Chase Daniels a humiliating back-to-back loss.  It is all very exciting, I think, even for those of us who are not all into the football mentality.  Just this last Friday, I was walking to the UT women’s soccer game, and at 6:30 p.m. there were ALREADY people lining up for ESPN game day.  Now, I did not wake up before sunrise the next morning just to go scream obnoxiously, but I do applaud those who had the school spirit and got on TV.

Continue reading Hook ’em Horns, baby!