Category Archives: Admissions

reflections on admissions experience, why you chose our program, how you were welcomed to the program (Orientation)

New to UT: II. Do I Need a Car?

This matter is obviously one of preference. It is a question I receive often though, especially from incoming freshmen, so I decided to address it here. There are some pros and cons to having a car as a UT Austin student that I will cover, and even though I believe that it is not necessary to have a car, at least my reasoning will be transparent enough.

First, some highlights from the past week…

Congratulations for Graduating!

Congratulations to all the UT students who graduated this past weekend. I’d like to give a special shoutout to my roommate of four years, who probably deserves a medal for tolerating me for eight semesters. Congratulations on graduation and on your full-time offer!

The Rapture…

…either didn’t happen, or we all got left behind. I hope for the former. In case you didn’t hear, Harold Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer in California, predicted Judgment Day would occur on Saturday, May 21; the prediction did not manifest. Nevertheless, the most famous end-of-days prediction in U.S. history occurred in 1844 when William Miller predicted the second coming would occur on October 22, 1844. Many followers gathered in anticipation (some even quit their jobs) of this prediction and waited all day only to discover that nothing happened; as such, this event was known as “The Great Disappointment. 

Bee Week

May 29-June 4 is Bee Week in Washington DC, and it is probably one of my favorite events of the year after the NCAA Basketball Tournament.

In what I would now describe as a hyper-recruiting-event-like party, contestants and their coaches and families (usually the same people) stay in the Grand Hyatt for a week. While there, contestants engage in meet-and-greets, game nights, several tours throughout the nation’s capital, a barbecue, and a final banquet. Wednesday and Thursday are set aside for competition, however, as students (none past the 8th grade are allowed) try to spell their way to a $30,000 cash grand prize (and about an extra $10,000 in other prizes). To gauge the types of words these spellers face, Scripps Howard offers this sample test

And back to the main topic…

Do I Need a Car? Continue reading New to UT: II. Do I Need a Car?

New to UT: I. Where Do I Live?

After taking some time to destroy my finals (and vice-versa), I sit back at my computer, relaxed and ready to make some noise on the web (and the Millennium Lab) again. Summer shines its face upon Austin again, whether you’re driving along Mopac watching the green leaves of the trees waving at you as a smooth summer breeze floats by or watching the sun smile upon the lake as you stroll along the Congress Avenue Bridge.  As such, my next several entries will be shorter so that I can go outside.

This next series, as promised, will address some questions I sometimes hear from incoming students. Because a mixed audience may be reading this (1st years, 3rd years, and 5th years), I will try to avoid over-generalizing and be more specific on my thoughts on each of my outlooks.

First, though, a couple of tidbits from the past couple of weeks:

Dallas Mavericks

I admit: I was a doubter of the Mavs and have been for the past five years or so, especially after that debacle against Miami in the finals. After praising the Lakers since the off-season—the 1980 off-season—Mavs fans have my full attention. Please don’t ask me to root against Kevin Durant though…

Kutcher to Replace Sheen

Warner Brothers announced that Ashton Kutcher will replace the estranged Charlie Sheen on the CBS sitcom “Two and a Half Men.” Kutcher is best known for his parts in “That 70s Show” and “Punk’d.” Kutcher will have to undergo a blood test before he is officially signed on as part of a new policy initiated by the Warner Brothers legal counsel to check for abnormally high levels of tiger blood. (#kidding)

Vocabulary Boost?

Merriam Webster published a list of words to add pizzazz to your everyday vocab. These words are supposed to add an extra kick of sophistication and spice to your conversation skills.

Anyway, on to topic…

Where do I live?

I get this question from incoming Longhorns pretty frequently. Honestly, it’s a matter of taste. Some people like quiet, some people like proximity, some people like partying, some people like price. Here are my thoughts on the subject… Continue reading New to UT: I. Where Do I Live?

Accounting: My New Pursuit

Sorry for my late posting. I was in and out of connectivity all week. If you read my last post, you can see that I was traveling a lot last week. But after this week, life will return somewhat to normal as the formal fall recruiting season for public accounting comes to a close. It has been quite a ride this semester, to say the least.

I thought for this blog post I might give a little background into how I fell into the accounting world. It’s not often you meet someone who studied public relations and Spanish as an undergraduate who is now pursuing a graduate degree in accounting.

When I started college, I went in thinking I wanted to be a journalist. I loved writing, and I thought journalism would be a great way to see and experience many different things in life. And I still believe that. Though as anyone who has followed the media industry these past couple of years knows, faster and more modern forms of media are overtaking newspapers.

Knowing this, I quickly changed my major to public relations. Studying public relations allowed me to stay within the College of Communication while pursuing studies that I found interesting. I was always pulled more toward the promotion and marketing aspects of public relations. As such, I decided that it would be a good idea to complement my degree with a minor in general business.

Here is where the story starts to come together. In spring 2009, I enrolled in the Fundamentals of Accounting class that all business majors and minors have to take. It changed my life! Continue reading Accounting: My New Pursuit

A Little About This Blog & Thoughts About the MPA Program

by Paul Nabhan

Who am I?
My name is Paul, and I’m a 4th-year student in the MPA program, studying on the Audit track. I come from El Paso, which is 600 miles and a time zone away from Austin. Aside from accounting, I am also a finance minor, a violin student, and an ardent college football and basketball fan; other quirks include zealously watching the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee every year, trying to watch all of the AFI Top 100 Movies (I think I’m at 38 now…), and trying new foods.

El Paso sunset
El Paso sunset

What will this blog be like?
This blog will contain short headers with short answers most of the time. Those who actually know me are probably thrilled at this because my real life personality would have me talking for an hour or so.

So you promise not ramble on forever and ever?
No, not unless there is a topic about which I feel strongly.

What will you be talking about?
Since this is an MPA blog, I will be commenting on some of my experiences here in the program (why I’m glad I joined, what regrets I may have), student life on campus and in Austin, and possibly some of the processes involved with admissions, internships, etc.

Who is this blog for then?
This blog will be targeted mostly at current MPA students, prospective MPA students, and anyone else who has a general interest in the feel of the program. I’ll try to mix it up a bit, of course, but this isn’t really intended to be the forum to talk about whether LeBron made the right decision or not (although, I might sneak in a comment every now and then). Continue reading A Little About This Blog & Thoughts About the MPA Program