Category Archives: Academics

classes, degree planning, academic workshops, CPA exam planning and preparation

Wanted: Sherlock Homes wannabe

Hiring Private Detective:

It is 5:03 a.m. and I have been in the B-Hive all night/morning. All I can think about is how I am pretty sure my professors come together and purposely put all my exams around the same time. Whether they discuss it over a poker game or they have some underground lair, I am not sure, but one of these days I will catch them in the act of conspiring against me.

I had an exam Monday, a five-page paper due Tuesday, two exams today (Thursday) and next week is not looking much better. Exam on Monday, another on Tuesday and to cap it off, a case and a paper due on Friday at the same time that I am trying to get ready for this Mr. McCombs pageant thing I signed up for. I know I am not alone and that there are students all across this campus going through similar situations, and believe me, I sympathize with you. Continue reading Wanted: Sherlock Homes wannabe

Taxes, taxes, and football.

Hello potential MPAs, actual MPAs, and others around the UT community,

Welcome to my MPA blog! My name is Natalie Jacobs, and I am in my first year of the Master in Professional Accounting program at the McCombs School. I am doing the integrated approach, so it is also my third year of undergrad here at UT.  I’m really excited to be writing for this blog, and I’m going to try and update as often as I have interesting things to say, so please check back frequently!

Continue reading Taxes, taxes, and football.

Late-October letters

Dear Future Self,

Don’t worry. Even though I’ve been slammed with homework and interviews for quite some time now and have barely had time to keep up with my one show (Heroes), I’m going to continue pushing through to the end to provide you with a great foundation of accounting knowledge, good grades, and, if all goes well, a job. I’m very invested in your career, as you know. And I don’t mind that you’re enjoying the fruits of MY labor. Because, hey! You’re a great guy. And you deserve it.


Present Self


Dear Audit Mid-Term Exam II,

I didn’t know any one test could cover so many lists. I’m really impressed! Way to go.


Audit student who woke up quite early this morning to review several pages of lists about internal controls

Continue reading Late-October letters

3rd-year MPA recruiting prep

*These are pictures from the Big 4 dinners. Oh, how I miss the fancy dining.*

The first year of MPA was full of some of the most significant choices I have had to make in my college life.  What do I want to do?  Where do I want to live?  Who do I want to work for?  All a bit nerve-wracking for any one of us to deal with…on top of all our HW and EXAMS!!!!

But now looking back on it, I have found a few tips and tricks that made my recruiting process sooo much easier.

Continue reading 3rd-year MPA recruiting prep