Category Archives: Academics

classes, degree planning, academic workshops, CPA exam planning and preparation

Around the corner…

Classes are ending this week.  In four days’ time I will retreat to my cave and start cramming for my four final exams.  This is going to be a tough week. Unlike last semester, where the bulk of my schoolwork was completed long before the end of classes, this time around I will be completing projects, assignments and presentations right up to the bitter end. This will leave me precious little time, just a few days, to finish my readings and start preparing for finals.

The spring is nearly over, but I am a long way away from being finished. This June, the first summer session, my last semester at UT, will begin. It will be only five weeks of classes, but if last summer was any indication, it will feel much longer. But, even when I finish my summer classes in July, I will be done with the MPA program but not done with school. To meet the requirements  for the CPA exam in Texas, I am still on the hook for six to nine business-related credits.  

Texas is one of strictest states in terms of CPA exam requirements. I came into the MPA program having taken no business classes outside of the MPA pre-enrollment requirements. This year, my schedule has been completely jammed with core accounting courses, and I never had the chance to mop up the rest of the business classes I needed to meet Texas’s 24 credit hour requirement. So, after my classes at UT are done this summer, I’ll be on the computer completing my last couple of business classes by correspondence. 

When that’s over, the CPA exam will be up next. I am planning to have all of my classes done and my paperwork completed by August so that I can sneak in one section of the exam before by job begins. After that, I will try to have two more sections done by the end of October, my first month of work. Here is a list of CPA exam dates. As you can see, the exam is offered on a two-months-on, one-month-off schedule.  Unfortunately, the best month for me, September, is an off month for the exam. When the CPA exam is completely done–by December perhaps–I may try my luck with one more certification before I allow myself to pop the champagne cork. 

Clearly, I have a lot to look forward to. When I finish my master’s degree this summer, it will be just one more leap forward on my way to the finish line. 

Wish me luck!

Potential Deal Breakers…

And they are………….

1) Average: I MISS being a curve breaker! Thanks to the rest of my brilliant class, this feat has been rendered almost impossible. Go MPA 2011. Thanks to you, my self esteem (which was doing pretty well when I first got here) needs some TLC.

2) Databases: Tax research databases….please STOP logging out on me. I hate it when you do that every 10 minutes I am idle. I am reading you–how is that idle?? Do you mean idle in a physical sense??!

3) Parking: I have a conspiracy theory when it comes to you. Why else would it take longer when I am running late?

4) Escalator Maintenence: This one is tricky. Should I be grateful about the exercise you force me into, or just hate your guts? Either way, I have decided this: If I don’t end up liking my career in tax as much as I had hoped, I am providing a competitive bid for a McCombs escalator maintainence gig. What? I believe in a plan B, people!

5) Tuiton: Yeah, I know. Tuition is just part of the package.

Ahh getting this out of my system felt good 🙂

Internship Series: IV. The Decision

—and no, I’m not taking my talents to South Beach. Most people that know me know that I pursue my goals with a very fiery passion, so I think it came to a lot of folks’ surprise that, after I had received a full-time employment offer, I deliberated for a couple of weeks before making up my mind instead of just diving head-first into the deep end of the pool. This final installment of my Internship Series is placed here to calm present MPAs, future MPAs, and really anyone who is confronted with the decision of having to pick one opportunity after another. It is not uncommon or unusual to lay all your options on the table before making a decision, even if it is one you were somewhat sure you were going to make anyway.

As my usual tradition, I’m going to start with some tidbits:

Kemba & Charl

It seems like eons since the last installment of this series. Since I’ve been gone, Kemba Walker & Co. took UConn to its third National Championship over Butler. (It broke my heart to see Butler go down in a nasty shooting performance like that, but if you examine the record—as in my last blog—you’ll see that my money would have been on UConn anyways.) Days later, Charl Schwartzel won the Masters after Pandemonium reigned the last day, seeing a free-for-all on the Leaderboard. Congratulations to Connecticut and Mr. Schwartzel.

Tweet This!

In an article in Fortune Magazine, it seems that Google, Facebook, and Microsoft had offered to buy Twitter last fall. Microsoft changed its mind, Facebook offered $2B, and Google offered $10B. It is interesting to consider the implications of this now from a business perspective, as the article reports stalled growth in the company—which is probably due to the decline in members who are actually active. With a leveling off and no more buyout offers on the table, it will be interesting to see what the social media behemoth’s next move will be.

Keeping it short today, here were my feelings before accepting a full-time offer:

The Decision

My policy on my blog has always been to be as candid as I could when it came to my opinions on issues, so here it goes. The reality is that I am still only a 22-year-old guy; I run with a lot of raw emotion and see everything in a very novel light. When I received my offer, I was emotionally ecstatic; I am sure my smile revealed my coffee-stained teeth from a mile away. I had just received a full-time offer from a major world player in the public accounting industry, so this was very much a dream come true.

Cognitive Dissonance

A couple days later, I began to think that maybe this was not the best option for me. Why? I mean this was the dream job, right? Suddenly, I started seeing my career in the Advisory or Consulting side of things. Then I saw Paul, the beastly investment banker. And then I saw Paul, private equity extraordinaire. I saw Paul—ahem, Senator Nabhan. I saw Paul, Oscar winner for best musical score. I could go on and on. What my best move, now, seemed very uncertain. Would accepting a role as an auditor actually limit my potential? Oh my… Continue reading Internship Series: IV. The Decision

You have a liberal arts degree. What should you expect from the MPA program?

When I arrived in Texas last summer, I was a bit anxious about how I would make my way in the program.  I skew a little bit far from the previous class’s profile.  I’m older. I have more work experience, but no business background. Many of my classmates came out of school with degrees in business, finance, accounting and economics. Much of my undergraduate time was spent studying post-colonial literature and literary theory. But, I’m not the only odd ball here.  The program boasts a handful of wacky folks, including a philosopher from Hampshire College, a gourmet chef, a musician or two, a couple of lawyers and a few political science-types.

Over the last couple of months, I have received a few inquiries about how, as a humanities guy, I was able to manage my transition to accounting. What was it like to go from zero to MPA? I have collected a few of the more significant questions and pasted them and my responses below:

How did you prepare for the accounting program?  Did you feel ready?

It took me about a year to knock out the program’s four required preenrollment classes and prepare for and take the GMAT. It was not fun. I did most of my coursework at night, at the tail end of 10-hour work days, and on the weekends. When classes began, I did not feel as if I was in over my head. The Intro to Accounting class that I had taken several months before got me up to speed on the basics of financial accounting.  The program’s first summer session is designed to help non-accounting majors bridge the gap from introductory Financial Accounting to Intermediate Financial Accounting in the fall.  It did its job pretty well.

Can you keep up with the business, accounting, and finance students?

Overall, I think I have not had too much trouble keeping up.  There was a major adjustment process that I went through during my first summer session, but that had less to do with the actual course material than with learning to be a modern student.  For example, the Internet was still a novelty when I was in college, and I was not at all used to logging into online bulletin boards and downloading class notes. In the beginning, I resisted printing anything out. I preferred to rely on my own handwritten notes.  However, I have since learned from the errors of my ways.

That being said, there was one class in this program in which I felt as if I was consistently outgunned.  Continue reading You have a liberal arts degree. What should you expect from the MPA program?

Life in the real world begins…

So, where have I been all this time? Well, after that fall semester roller coaster ride, the spring semester has been an outer space kind of journey.

It began with my early and short spring semester that actually started on January 4. I was in an accelerated six-week program, where I took two three-hour graduate classes before I went out for my public accounting internship in the middle of February. Oh boy, it was intense! There was never a day that I did not think about Corporate Tax. I only had classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., but I did not feel I had a weekend off, at all. From group projects, homework assignments, essays, and readings, the accelerated semester would constantly keep me on my toes. Nonetheless, even though it was not an easy semester, I am glad to say that everything I learned from it will stick with me. It gave me confidence that I have some knowledge to take with me during my internship.

And so my life in the real world has begun. The first week was training, where I met interns from other universities, as well as other students interning in different locations within the southwest region. The first week gave me reassurance that even though I don’t know everything I possibly can about accounting, the MPA program has transformed me into a determined knowledge-seeker. I never thought I would say this, but when the firm’s senior managers talked about doing tax research effectively, I got so excited about it because the MPA program has prepared me for it well. Also, seeing Form 1120, Schedules M-1 and M-3 didn’t daunt me as much either. I may not be an expert in filing tax returns yet, but I’ve seen them before and filled them out in my classes.

The second week was my first real work week. As a tax intern, I was told by many that I would just stay in my cubicle every day and would not have the chance to travel or interact with the client. My experience, however, has proven this wrong, because I do not go to the office now. I’ve been out working with my team at the client site, and it has been a great learning opportunity. So far, I’ve been learning how to navigate the software and workbooks the firm uses, and familiarizing myself with several international tax forms and how information flows through them. To be honest, it was an information overload, and I never thought that there is still so much to learn in the accounting field, even though I’ve taken several accounting classes already.

Everything is happening very quickly, and I am ready for the future weeks to come. Work will start coming in and I am looking forward to it. Who knew doing taxes can be exciting?! Well, my life in the real world has truly taken off…