All posts by kathrynkimmell

Orientation Week with this Geek

texasHey blog readers, and welcome to my first post! I thought I’d kick things off with a bang and tell you a little bit about orientation week! However, I’m not going to do this in a normal manner. No, instead I’m going to use my freestyle rapping skills to lay down what orientation is all about in the form of a poem.
Note: I am actually quite good at freestyling, so find me around campus if you want to hear or have a rap battle!

Orientation began at the AT&T center
Where the temperatures were as cold as a Midwest winter.
We got MPA swag including a shirt and name tag
And a very nice black Texas MPA bag.

Each person was assigned three different animal tables
Where we met fellow lions, and maybe a few giraffes if we were able.
There was a professor panel about classes and advice on careers
And despite the cold temperature, every student was all ears.

Everyone was a bit tired after orientation day one,
But we all went bowling after for some pizza and some fun!
We developed friendships with other MPA students and exchanged numbers of phone
So that when we went to games and 6th street, we wouldn’t be all alone!

Orientation week is now over and classes have begun
But that doesn’t mean I’m not still having fun!
I’ve used the knowledge I gained in my classes and career path
And still have the friends I made who can always make me laugh!

I am so excited to be a Texas MPA
Where I learn something new each and every day.
Where I get to explore Austin cuz it’s a hell of a town
And learn about accounting with the brightest minds around!