All posts by darrin harvey

The Hogwarts of Our Time

As I have progressed into my fifth and final year here at McCombs, I find myself wanting more from my education. Academically, the MPA program continues to be a challenge at every twist and turn of this path I am on, but I feel that this program could serve as much more. Within the B-School, we are a dominate group. We are respected, honored, and often even admired for our hard work and dedication. Collectively, we are four groups of 250± students that are all striving for one common purpose; graduation from the finest MPA program in the country. While each of is in a different part of our degree program, ranging from third-years in the integrated approach all the way up to the fifth-years and traditional, we have much more in common than one might think.

It is this link that I wish to call on to build unity. Instead of being divided by class year, let us mingle together. Instead of acting segregated because one side is Tax and the other Audit, let us cross our academic paths. Instead of being divided by Big 4 firm or mid-cap, let us join as the greater group of future professionals.

When I set out to write this, I had every intention of comparing what I have been asking for to Harry Potter. This may sound silly but it is not a stretch of the imagination to assume that the majority of us know a little bit about HP. The famous book series uses a four house system to spur competition and comaraderie, to build connections and friendships, and to provide comfort for those searching for a place to belong. I know, this sounds like exchanging one sense of segregation for another, but in its truest sense; these “houses” are only a starting point for building unity and at no point are meant for segregation.  Just like in HP, these “MPA Houses” would contain students from all of the tracks, from each of the different class years, and from each of the firms! Continue reading The Hogwarts of Our Time

Lights, Camera, and ACC…ounting!

We have decided to get a little color in here and post some serious video blogs. No joke, this is the real deal. Click the link below to see what crazy (lame) answers I may or may not have come up with!

Wow, p.s.  I am horrible on camera…I better not quit my day job.  🙂 Accounting rules and there is no place better than UT MPA.  <—Fact, even Wikipedia confirms it!

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Fourth Year Wrap-Up

Now, I would not go as far to say that my fourth year is over, but I am in the extensive process of wrapping things up. Between internship paperwork, exams, registration and making my decision on my offer…I have been a bit busy.

Once you have completed your internship, your work to earn college credit is not over. During my internship, I was required to keep a daily journal. In addition to this, there are a few online questions that need to be answered for the Accounting Department. The answers are used for statistical reasons and are not difficult. Additionally, I am required to write a five-page paper about my internship experience. The paper is designed to discuss what I learned, what I wish I would have learned, as well as my likes and dislikes about my internship. All of these items are due at the end of the week so I have a few long nights ahead of me.

  • Exams…yeah, we all have them. These count for 50 percent of my grade so they have a bit more weight on importance and preparation needed.
  • Registration is one of the most dreadful days of the year. The stress of getting the best class times, the best professors or even into the only section available can be quite draining on the mind. I was up bright and early and sitting in my command center–the Mill Lab. I was running three computers, with registration, the UT course schedule, pick-a-prof*, and Excel running on several different monitors just to get this process right. It may seem excessive, but the extra effort is worth it.
  • I will not go into the reasons why, but I have decided to turn down my offer for full-time employment with the Firm. It is kind of like a bad relationship break-up; a sickening feeling in your stomach when you are doing it but when it is over, you know it is the right thing to do.

I guess I will get back to watching Harry Potter…I mean, get back to studying for exams! 😉

Good luck to everyone else on exams and registration!


I’ll be back…oh wait, I AM!

Well…jeez. It had been a while since I have been on here. My apologies for the long absence, I guess with my internship over and a very basic spring break in good ol’ Nebraska, not much had really happened. BUT…I am happy to say that I have returned to the mother ship ( UT ).

Now that my internship is over, I am pretty much a year out from graduating. Wow, how fast four years has passed. I won’t be cliché and say it feels like just yesterday when I first walked the steps of the tower…but instead I would say it feels like just last month.

O, how glad am I to be back… the feeling of sunshine on my face, the utter bliss I am in when I am walking to class, and the continuous noise from the West Mall is like music to my ears. I guess some may be wondering what the life is like for those of us on our little “mini–mester. “ Continue reading I’ll be back…oh wait, I AM!

Top Ten List

The phrase is, “Time flies when you are having fun.” The end of my internship came so fast, I couldn’t believe it was truly over. Waking up early on Monday, I was close to preparing for another day of work.  Instead I went back to bed for another three hours.  🙂

I guess in the end, it is just human nature to reflect. But to keep the air a little bit lighter, I will reflect in a manner that David Letterman would be proud of.

Top Ten Reasons…to be an Auditor for a Big 4 Firm! Continue reading Top Ten List