Hometown: Plano, TX
MPA Track: Undeclared, but planning on Taxation
Class Status: 5th-Year
Estimated Graduation Date: May 2014
Why did you choose to attend The University of Texas at Austin?
I instantly became a longhorn at heart when I took my first tour of the campus my junior year of high school. When I was standing on the main mall, surrounded by the presence of the Tower, the Capitol, the Austin skyline, I felt as if I had the opportunity to become part of something bigger than myself.
Why did you choose the MPA program?
I come from a family of accountants, so majoring in accounting was the last thing I wanted to do. However, I attended an accounting camp here at McCombs in high school and knew this program was for me..
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot would have to be sitting in the stands of the football stadium in the mass of burnt orange. There are few things in this world that rival singing the Texas Fight Song with around 100,000 longhorn fans.
Where are your favorite places to go and favorite things to do in Austin?
My favorite place in Austin is the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail. This 10 mile loop is the best run in Austin and offers gorgeous views of the city, as well as friendly dogs to play with at the leash free park!
Other interesting facts:
- I was a competitive figure skater for 12 years. Now I am a bronze-level appointed skating judge
- I ran my first full marathon last February at the Austin Marathon
My very first word was “money”, so my parents say I was born to be a business major
Ally, it was great being one of your Accounting Career Awareness Camp (ACAP) counselors in summer 2009!
you are so lucky. I am also from Plano and really want to get into the integrated MPA program.