Back on track

When I first realized we were having one month of winter break, I was amazed at all the time I would have to rest. To my surprise, it went by like lightning. During the holidays I went back home (to Monterrey), to my parent’s hometown (Durango, another State in Mexico), and to my boyfriend’s hometown (Puebla, Mexico). So it was kind of busy with all the travel, but at the same time I really enjoyed being back at home with my family.

Anyway, I’m back in Austin and even though it is hard getting used to the routine, I’m really enjoying the classes I’m taking (Advanced Accounting, Strategic Control, ITAC, and Management Auditing and Control). I even started auditing Oil and Gas Accounting (since I’ll be working in Houston and have no experience with Oil and Gas, I thought it might be helpful to audit that class). The class is very interesting and it is very nice to have a class where I don’t have to worry about being graded.

I’m starting to think that whoever said that you don’t realize how fast time passes when you are having a good time was right. I just can’t believe I’m almost done with my year in Austin and everything is coming to an end. I just wish I had more time to enjoy all of this, but at the same time, I’m really excited about what is to come.

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