Name: Sarah Childers
Hometown: N/A I’ve moved 12 times! I’ve lived in England, Belgium, Germany, Texas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and South Carolina!
MPA track: Generalist
Class status: 3rd year iMPA
Graduation date: BBA 2019, MPA 2020
Why did you choose the MPA program?
I loved the idea of getting my CPA certification before I started working, that way I wouldn’t have to study after work! Also, I was really intrigued by some of the MBA electives I would be eligible to take.
What do you look forward to most about your MPA experience?
Studying abroad next summer in Prague or Buenos Aires! I can’t wait!!
What led you to accounting?
An accounting class in high school sparked my interest, but I complete an accounting internship the summer after my freshman year to validate myself. Further, I really enjoyed accounting when I was able to take 311 with Professor Smith and 312 with Dean Platt!
What advice do you have for students interested in the MPA program?
Talk to your professors! They have great stories and amazing experiences to share. They’re your built-in mentorship system.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
I love swimming in the outdoor Gregory Gym pool and studying in the PCL computer lab!
Where are your favorite places to go and favorite things to do in Austin?
Lake Travis. I love to go scuba diving at Windy Point. There’s a shipwreck and a sunken toilet!