MPA Student Profile – Minorie Vaidya

Name: Minorie Vaidya
  Flower Mound, Texas
MPA track: Financial Reporting and Assurance
Class status: 3rd year
Graduation date:
 May 2020

Why did you choose the MPA program?
UT was always my top choice – when such a highly ranked business school is so close to home, you can’t beat it! After taking all of my introductory classes, I found that I enjoyed ACC 311 with Professor Charrier the most. After completing a few internships, both small and large, in different accounting roles, I found that I really liked that there is such a diverse variety of future career opportunities for accounting majors, specifically CPAs. Of course, the #1 ranking of the MPA program was also a great motivator!

What do you look forward to most about your MPA experience?
I look forward to working, academically and professionally, with an incredibly smart and talented community of peers. Even in my first semester in the program, I am already seeing familiar faces in multiple classes and it makes working through the tough classes a lot easier! I also look forward to graduating with an extremely valuable and rewarding MPA degree so I can hopefully land a spot at a top firm!

What led you to accounting?
No matter what you do in the business world, you have to understand basic accounting concepts in order to succeed. Not only is there an abundance of prospects in this field, there is also great flexibility in tracks and future career opportunities! After taking all of the intro classes, I found that I liked ACC 311 and 312 the most and I had great professors to learn from and use as resources.

What advice do you have for students interested in the MPA program?
Talk to students in the program to get a feel for the different types of tracks, recruiting opportunities, and career resources!

What’s your favorite spot on campus?
The UT Architecture Library – it looks like Hogwarts!

Where are your favorite places to go and favorite things to do in Austin?
I love visiting the Texas Capitol building – it’s awesome that we have such an amazing historical building just a few blocks away from campus.

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