Name: Natalie Allen
Hometown:Long Beach, California
MPA track:Financial Reporting and Assurance
Class status: First year, tMPA
Graduation date: May 2018
Why did you choose the MPA program?
The prestige of UT’s accounting program motivated me to apply. Though, the deciding factor was the endless resources offered to the MPA students. From career and academic advisors to frequent interaction with diverse groups of prospective employers.
What do you look forward to most about your MPA experience?
Being able to take unique and interesting classes and forming friendships with my peers and professors.
What have you been doing since you received your undergraduate degree?
I interned in the finance and accounting department at a biotechnology company and then proceeded to start my graduate degree.
What led you to accounting?
My dad is an accountant and urged me to try out an accounting class when I was in the middle of switching majors. I liked the numbers and the rest is history.
What advice do you have for students interested in the MPA program?
Figure out if accounting is something you’re willing to spend a lot of time on. It’s not always so clear as debits and credits and can be frustrating when there is so much to learn in the field.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
The football stadium!!
Where are your favorite places to go and favorite things to do in Austin?
The Salt Lick BBQ in Dirftwood. It’s a BBQ joint not far from Austin, about 30 mins away. The grounds have such a charming, friendly feel and the food is absolutely delicious.