If you read Melissa’s post from a couple of days ago, she spoke about the MPA: Building Connections event about an introduction to recruiting. I was also at the event but on the other side – helping the 3rd year MPAs practice recruiting by posing as a recruiter and giving networking advice. It was pretty fun doing this! I got to talk to the students and get to know where they were in the recruiting process and what their interests are in the accounting profession.
The funny thing is that I also learned a lot from this event. It had been a while (at least 6 months) since I was at a networking/recruiting event and I was a little rusty on my skills. Listening to what Michelle Polkinghorn and others had to say was a great reminder of the small details that make you stand out from others, as well as great refresher on the conventions and etiquette of business interactions. Mainly, it was fun talking to the 3rd years and sharing my experiences with them. I was able to talk about my internship experience, what I liked and what I did not like, and then relate that back to them and to help them take advantage of their opportunities.
If any 3rd years (or anyone else for that matter) have questions about recruiting or networking tips, the people at career services are experts in that area. In addition, I would be happy to share my thoughts with anyone about my experiences in networking, both in a recruiting sense as well as in a general sense. Networking can definitely be tiring, but it is also very fun, so enjoy it and take advantage of meeting new and exciting people!
Please leave comments or questions below.
What lessons did you learn about the conventions and etiquette of business etiquette?