Wow! I never thought I would get this far. Being a fifth-year Integrated MPA student still feels surreal to me. My years of hardwork as a college student will finally come to a close. It surely feels bittersweet.
What does a fifth-year student’s schedule look like? After going through my recruiting and internship semesters, I have just been focusing on my remaining courses and enjoying Austin as much as I can.
I have a couple of undergraduate classes left to satisfy my BBA degree and three remaining graduate courses. Group projects, midterms, and deadlines are still the main highlights of my semester.
Even though this is my last year here at UT, I still strive to maintain my grades. while also making room to take fun classes that are non-accounting related, such as theatre and music.
I have also been preparing for the CPA Exam, which I am taking in April 2012. Testing under out-of-state requirements can be challenging, but I am very fortunate to have very helpful academic advisors that walk me through the process. I have also looked at Becker CPA Review courses to prepare for the exams. The AICPA website provides a good overview of the exam components and requirements for candidates.
Of course, I am not just going to spend my last year of college worrying about school and academics. I have managed to come up a “bucket list” of things to do in Austin before I leave. I have been scouting various local restaurants and enjoying countless servings of Tex-Mex and organic foods. I also went to the Austin City Limits for the last time as college students this year and am looking forward to South by Southwest 2012 in March. I have yet to go on a Segway tour and go kayaking on Lady Bird Lake. There are so many things to do here in Austin that after living here for more than two years, I still have numerous things to do and explore in the city.
I have also been spending as much time as I can with my college friends before we officially move on to the real world. Recently, I celebrated my birthday with my MPA buddies, who I have spent most of my time here at UT. They were my companions through the hard accounting courses, all-night studying and cramming, recruiting, networking, volunteering and interning; if there is one group of people who understands what I have gone through my college experience, that would be my MPA friends.
There sure are a lot of things that I will take with me because of the MPA Program: accounting knowledge and skills, a full-time job, professional networks, and confidence. But most importantly, I will always treasure the relationships I have established with my professors, advisors, supervisors, mentors, and fellow MPA students that have made college the most challenging yet fulfilling stage of my life, thus far.
I am definitely looking forward to sharing with you more stories of my last year here at UT.