Fourth Year Wrap-Up

Now, I would not go as far to say that my fourth year is over, but I am in the extensive process of wrapping things up. Between internship paperwork, exams, registration and making my decision on my offer…I have been a bit busy.

Once you have completed your internship, your work to earn college credit is not over. During my internship, I was required to keep a daily journal. In addition to this, there are a few online questions that need to be answered for the Accounting Department. The answers are used for statistical reasons and are not difficult. Additionally, I am required to write a five-page paper about my internship experience. The paper is designed to discuss what I learned, what I wish I would have learned, as well as my likes and dislikes about my internship. All of these items are due at the end of the week so I have a few long nights ahead of me.

  • Exams…yeah, we all have them. These count for 50 percent of my grade so they have a bit more weight on importance and preparation needed.
  • Registration is one of the most dreadful days of the year. The stress of getting the best class times, the best professors or even into the only section available can be quite draining on the mind. I was up bright and early and sitting in my command center–the Mill Lab. I was running three computers, with registration, the UT course schedule, pick-a-prof*, and Excel running on several different monitors just to get this process right. It may seem excessive, but the extra effort is worth it.
  • I will not go into the reasons why, but I have decided to turn down my offer for full-time employment with the Firm. It is kind of like a bad relationship break-up; a sickening feeling in your stomach when you are doing it but when it is over, you know it is the right thing to do.

I guess I will get back to watching Harry Potter…I mean, get back to studying for exams! 😉

Good luck to everyone else on exams and registration!


One thought on “Fourth Year Wrap-Up”

  1. I think we’re in the same boat . . . Papers, heading back into recruiting after an internship . . . What’s youre status on taking the CPA exam?

    I wrote half of my 5-page paper (same as yours) a couple of weeks ago, but now I’m putting it off until I’m finished with the 15-page research paper that goes with my internship credit!

    I wish I had kept a daily diary throughout my internship though, as I have forgotten some specifics of which audit tests I got to work on, etc.

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