The phrase is, “Time flies when you are having fun.” The end of my internship came so fast, I couldn’t believe it was truly over. Waking up early on Monday, I was close to preparing for another day of work. Instead I went back to bed for another three hours. 🙂
I guess in the end, it is just human nature to reflect. But to keep the air a little bit lighter, I will reflect in a manner that David Letterman would be proud of.
Top Ten Reasons…to be an Auditor for a Big 4 Firm!
10. A healthy expense budget to feed you while working late.
9. Nerdy accounting jokes are acceptable and encouraged.
8. You are getting paid to study for your exams. Each day brings you closer to the CPA.
7. Training is a vacation in a city you may never get to experience otherwise.
6. Your office can change weekly. Often, first year auditors have better window views than the client!
5. Raid the client’s snack cabinet for free.
4. College rivalries still make for good fun. Hook ’em!
3. BONUSES, WooHoo!
2. As an intern, you get pranked. As a full-time, you get to scheme…so be prepared.
and the number one reason to be an auditor for a Big 4 firm? (Drum roll, please?)
1. Your ranking is not determined by the price of your suit but by the color of the pen you use!
Ba dump bump…ching!
P.S. Good luck 3rd years on the recruiting season. See previous posts for tips and hints.