Dear Recruiting Season,
It seems like forever since we last met! How are you? This semester has been much more relaxing than when you were in my life. Don’t get me wrong – I really enjoyed meeting and talking to all sorts of interesting people at career fairs, company information sessions, and other recruiting activities (dinners, networking events, etc.). I couldn’t have gotten that offer without you, and I wouldn’t do anything differently if I could. I’m just saying that it’s kind of nice to be able to go home when my classes get out, and it’s extremely nice to know where I’ll be working this fall. So thanks for all you did for me. I hope you treat interviewing students equally well this semester.
Gratefully Yours,
–Has More Free Time Despite More Credit Hours–
Dear Advanced Accounting Exam,
Why didn’t my balance sheet balance, you ask? Excellent question. I could have really used another twenty minutes to figure that out. I knew all of the steps to consolidate the subsidiary, but I must have pressed the wrong button on my calculator or something along the way. I’m not making excuses, just letting you know that I, too, am eager to find out what I did wrong.
Yours Truly,
–Needed a Tad More Time–
Dear Taxes,
It has been a pleasure to get to know you better over the past couple of months. Understanding where you’re coming from has been surprisingly interesting and empowering to me. I know! I wouldn’t have thought understanding you better would inspire the use of the word, “empowering,” either! But it has! I’ve always done my own returns (OK, OK, at least since my mom stopped doing them several years ago) using Turbo[You] or other software, but I’ve never really felt very comfortable with the whole process. I didn’t understand the importance of filing status or the intricacies of dependency claims. But now I do, and it’s refreshing. I’m not changing my degree track or anything – I’m still going the audit route – but I’ll always have a place in my heart for you, Taxes. And I imagine you’ll always be right there for me, too, my inevitable friend.
–Surprisingly Interested–
Dear Economy,
I’m thinking a turnaround would be nice right around now. That whole GDP shrinking idea? Not a great one.
Just a Thought,
–Grad Student Graduating Into a Recession–
Dear CPA Exam,
I’m turning in my application next week to be able to take you over the summer. And guess what! I already have my review materials (thanks, Becker and Big 4 employer who paid for them)! I know, I probably shouldn’t be as excited as all that. But I am.
–Hopes to Pass All Four Exam Sections the First Time Around–
Dear Students Applying to the MPA Program,
Hey! It’s strange to realize that a whole year has passed since I applied to the MPA program. The time has flown, the classes have been interesting and engaging, I got the job offer I wanted from the very beginning, my classmates are awesome, and I couldn’t be anything but happy about how everything has worked out. It has definitely taken more work, more studying, more interviewing, more money, and more time than I first imagined it would take (aren’t most ventures like that?), but it has all been worth it.
Good Luck!
Hahaha! Great post! They definitely ring true!
Especially the one about taking the CPA this summer, but I’m still waiting to hear if I get a fulltime offer or not before I run out to buy review materials!