Master in Professional Accounting Admissions Blog

Insider Information for Prospective Texas McCombs MPA Students

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REGISTER: Join the February 13 MPA Bridge Information Session!

Are you a current UT undergraduate looking to expand your career options? This program allows you to begin working towards a Master in Professional Accounting (MPA) while finishing your bachelor’s degree in your senior year—regardless of your major.

Join our upcoming virtual info session to discover how the MPA Bridge program can fast-track your path to success. You’ll hear all about the admissions process, curriculum, career prospects, and what life is like in the program.


We look forward to meeting you soon!

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta, MPA Senior Recruiting and Admissions Officer.


Texas McCombs MPA Admissions Update

Here is a quick Texas McCombs MPA admissions update as we settle into the new year!

  • The MPA admissions committee has been reviewing completed U.S. traditional MPA applications and all completed MPA Bridge applications, releasing decisions on a rolling basis. There is still plenty of time to apply! The final U.S. traditional and MPA Bridge application deadline is May 6.
  • The final traditional MPA international application deadline was on January 14. The application review will begin soon, and decisions will be released in approximately March. Please be sure to submit all of your supplemental application materials no later than Monday, January 27 if you would like your application to be considered. Additionally, any resume, transcript or test score updates (if any) should be submitted through the McCombs application portal as soon as possible. Applications completed after January 27 will be considered on a space-available basis.

The admissions decision will be posted on the Office of Graduate Admissions MyStatus portal, and you will receive additional correspondence from the MPA program if you are admitted.

Questions? Contact the MPA admissions team

REGISTER: Join the January 16 Traditional MPA Information Session!

Join our upcoming virtual information session to learn more about the traditional Master in Professional Accounting program. This info session will provide valuable insights into our top-ranked accounting program, including the MPA admissions process, curriculum, career outcomes, and the benefits of studying at the University of Texas at Austin. Don’t miss this chance to see how the Texas McCombs MPA program can help you achieve your professional goals!


We look forward to meeting you soon!

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta, MPA Senior Recruiting and Admissions Officer.


The Traditional MPA Early Deadline Passed – What’s Next?

Congratulations! You completed your traditional MPA (tMPA) application by the November 1 early deadline! What happens next? 

The MPA Admissions Committee is beginning to review all completed* applications. We anticipate releasing early decisions for U.S. applications in mid-December. Early decisions for international applications will be released in mid- to late January. Your admissions decision will be posted on the Office of Graduate Admissions MyStatus portal, and you will receive a separate message from the Texas McCombs MPA program if you are accepted.

What should you do if your application is incomplete?

U.S. applicants: If you are still working on submitting your materials, you can expect to receive a decision approximately four to six weeks after your application is complete.*

International applicants: Aim to complete* your application no later than January 14 (final application deadline). Decisions will be released by late March/early April.

*All required materials must be received before an application will be reviewed for a decision. Be sure to check the status of your application in the McCombs application portal and in the Office of Graduate Admission’s MyStatus portal on a regular basis.

If you reported (optional) GMAT or GRE test scores or a future test date in the admissions application, we will hold on a decision until the official test scores are received from the testing agency. Please notify the MPA admissions team if your testing plans change after you submit your application.

You were admitted to another university, and the acceptance deadline is approaching, but you haven’t received a decision from the Texas McCombs MPA program. What should you do?

If you receive an admission offer from another university and need to respond to the offer before you receive a decision from us, please send us an email with the name of the university and the admission response deadline. Although we cannot guarantee an earlier admission decision, we will do our best to accommodate your request.

You are a Texas resident. How can you establish your residency status at UT Austin for tuition purposes?

If you are a Texas resident, you will be required to submit Residency Core Questions so that UT Austin can verify your residency. You are eligible to complete the questionnaire after submitting your online application. You do not need to wait for an admissions decision first. Additional information regarding Texas residency is available on the UT admissions website. Feel free to contact UT’s residency officer if you have questions regarding Texas residency.

Tip for tMPA U.S. applicants: Complete the residency questionnaire soon after submitting the admissions application so that your UT record is updated before the MPA program determines scholarship awards.

Note to MPA Bridge applicants: Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. Apply at any time until the May 6 application deadline!

Traditional MPA Applicants: November 1 Early Deadline is Approaching!

The early November 1 deadline for U.S. and international traditional MPA applicants is just around the corner. If you are working on completing your application by this deadline… great! Early U.S. applicants should receive an admissions decision in mid-December, and your application will be first in line for consideration for potential scholarships. Early international applicants will receive a decision in January.

However, do not be concerned if you are still working on your application. Why?

  • We use a rolling admissions process for U.S. applicants in which we review completed applications on a continuous basis until the final May 6 deadline. Your chances for admission would not be affected if you complete your application after November 1 but still early in our admissions cycle. And, although scholarships become more limited later on, we do award scholarships throughout the admissions cycle.
  • International applicants still have time to submit an application by the final January 14 application deadline. Completing your application by November 1 will allow you to receive an earlier decision, but your chances for admission would not be affected if you complete your application by the final January 14 deadline. Those who complete their application by the final deadline should receive a decision by the end of March.
  • You should take your time to submit the strongest application possible. For example, you may be planning to submit (optional) GMAT or GRE test scores or TOEFL or IELTS test scores (international applicants) and need more time to study.

Your application will not be considered complete and reviewed for a decision until all application materials have been received. If you reported GMAT or GRE test scores or a future test date in the admissions application, we will hold on a decision until the official test scores are received from the testing agency.* Please notify the MPA admissions team if your testing plans change after you submit your application.

*Plan ahead: it takes about 3-4 weeks for the score report to be sent and added to an applicant’s record.

Do you have any concerns about your application? Contact the MPA admissions team or schedule an appointment for an application consultation.

Note to MPA Bridge applicants: Admissions are rolling all year. Apply for summer 2025 anytime before 11:59 pm CT on May 6, 2025.


REGISTER: Join the October 23 Traditional MPA Information Session!

Join our upcoming virtual information session to learn more about the traditional Master in Professional Accounting program. This info session will provide valuable insights into our top-ranked accounting program, including the MPA admissions process, curriculum, career outcomes, and the benefits of studying at the University of Texas at Austin. Don’t miss this chance to see how the Texas McCombs MPA program can help you achieve your professional goals!


We look forward to meeting you soon!

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta, MPA Senior Recruiting and Admissions Officer.


REGISTER: Join the October 16 MPA Bridge Information Session!

Are you a current UT undergraduate looking to expand your career options? This program allows you to begin working towards a Master in Professional Accounting (MPA) while finishing your bachelor’s degree in your senior year—regardless of your major.

Join our upcoming virtual info session to discover how the MPA Bridge program can fast-track your path to success. You’ll hear all about the admissions process, curriculum, career prospects, and what life is like in the program.


We look forward to meeting you soon!

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta

Jasmin Blas-Mendieta, MPA Senior Recruiting and Admissions Officer.


Application Tips: Crafting Your Resume

Your resume provides an important opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and skills. Be sure to highlight honors, awards, language or computer skills, extracurriculars, volunteer and leadership experiences, internships, full-time work experience (if applicable), and other experiences outside of the classroom that developed your skills.

You may have noticed on the MPA admissions website that we provide MPA application resume guidelines (See tMPA resume guidelines or MPA Bridge resume guidelines) and an MPA application resume template (See tMPA resume template or MPA Bridge resume template). Although this resume format is not required, we highly recommend using the MPA template if you are in the process of reconstructing your resume. If admitted, you will be required to use this format during the recruiting process, and our MPA career coaches will work with you to fine-tune your resume.

The MPA application resume guidelines include:

  • Resume length
  • Font and font size
  • Margins
  • Tips for listing education, achievements, experience, and work eligibility

If you need to submit an updated version of your resume after you submit your application, you can do so in the McCombs application portal (Submitted Applications tab > Submit an Update). Be sure to submit any updates as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee that updates will be included in your application review, as it will depend on when you submit the updated resume and where your application is in the review process with the admissions committee.

Application Tips: Submitting Your Transcripts

What exactly are the steps for submitting your transcript(s) for your MPA application? Read on for the details!


You will provide a copy of a (free) UT Academic Summary in the admissions application.

Steps: (See the MPA Bridge admissions packet for additional details.)

  1. List all colleges and universities attended, including junior or community colleges, on the “Educational Information” page of the admissions application. (Tip: Select Add Record to add a college or university to your list of institutions attended. Type University of Texas Austin in the “Institution Name” field to search for UT Austin.)
  2. For UT Austin only, upload a PDF of a Academic Summary in lieu of an official UT transcript.  You do not need to provide copies of transcripts from any other colleges or universities attended.


You will provide your transcripts in two locations: 1) in the McCombs application portal (for the MPA admissions committee application review) and 2) in the MyStatus portal (for UT’s Office of Graduate Admissions). The Office of Graduate Admissions is responsible for verifying the validity of transcripts and degrees and calculating an upper-division GPA (based on junior- and senior-level courses and graduate courses, if applicable).

Steps: (See the tMPA admissions packet for additional details.)

  1. Order official transcripts from every four-year university or college you attended, and have them sent to you directly. Applicants who attended The University of Texas at Austin should download a PDF copy of a UT Academic Summary instead of ordering a transcript. Transcripts from junior or community colleges should be requested if you completed our pre-enrollment requirements or any accounting courses at these institutions. If you are unable to obtain an official transcript in PDF format, scan your paper transcripts to a PDF.
  2. List all colleges and universities attended, including junior or community colleges, on the “Educational Information” page of your McCombs online application. (Tip: Select Add Record to add a college or university to your list of institutions attended.)
  3. Upload a PDF copy of each transcript. Current and former UT Austin students should upload a free Academic Summary in lieu of a UT transcript.
  4. Pay your Application Fee in UT’s Office of Graduate Admissions MyStatus portal after submitting your application.
  5. After paying your application fee, upload the transcripts to the MyStatus portal or have your transcripts sent electronically via SPEEDE or Parchment (see the Submit Transcripts section of this Office of Graduate Admissions web page for detailed instructions). Former University of Texas at Austin students will pay a  $20 transcript fee in lieu of uploading UT Austin transcripts.

Tip: Store any official paper transcripts safely. If you are offered admission and intend to enroll, you will then send your official paper copy transcripts to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

Tip: If you attended a university outside the U.S., a foreign credential evaluation from WES or another organization is not required. However, if a transcript is written in a language other than English, a complete and official English translation must be uploaded together with the original transcript.

Should I submit my transcript without my fall grades? 

If you are a traditional MPA U.S. applicant or MPA Bridge applicant, we recommend submitting a transcript (or UT Academic Summary) without your fall grades if you are aiming to apply early and your fall grades are net yet posted. We will reach out to you if we need your fall grades before making a decision. That said, we recommend waiting to submit your transcript with your fall grades if:

  1. (For non-accounting majors:) You are taking pre-enrollment courses in the fall, (See tMPA pre-enrollments or MPA Bridge pre-enrollments)
  2. (For accounting majors:) You are enrolled in several upper-level accounting classes in the fall, or
  3. Your upper-level GPA will be improved substantially with your fall grades.

If you are a traditional MPA international applicant (not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident), you should submit your application with transcript before either the early November 1 or final January 14 application deadline, even if the fall grades are not posted. After your fall grades are available, you can provide a copy of an updated transcript in the McCombs application portal.

Please contact the MPA admissions team if you have additional questions!

Application Tips: Recommendation Letters

The Texas McCombs traditional MPA and MPA Bridge admissions applications require at least two letters of recommendation. Keep reading for answers to frequently asked questions about recommendations.

Who should write my letters of recommendation?

Through the recommendation letters (and admissions essays), we aim to learn about your strengths, personal qualities, skills, and the potential for success in the classroom and as a business professional. Choose references who know you in an academic or professional context and are familiar with your abilities, achievements, and career aspirations. Also consider references who can provide unique and diverse viewpoints. If you are currently in school, we prefer recommendations from faculty members, although feel free to supplement with a third recommendation from a professional work or extracurricular experience. Although only two recommendation letters are required, the MPA admissions committee will review all that are submitted.

How should my references submit their recommendation letters?

Letters are received directly from the recommender via a secure portal. You will be asked to provide the names and email addresses of at least two recommenders in the “Letters of Recommendation” section of the application. When you select “Continue,” your recommenders will be sent an email notification with a link to a secure portal where they will be asked to complete an online questionnaire and upload a recommendation letter.


  • Complete this part of your application first. This will allow your recommenders to get started while you’re working on the other components of your application.
  • Contact your recommenders to let them know they will receive an email. The message is sent from a general McCombs School of Business email address and may end up in their junk/spam email folder.
  • Monitor the status of your recommendations in the McCombs application portal. You can resend notifications from the portal as needed.

What should I do if I already submitted my online application but need to send a request to an additional recommender?

After you submit your application, you will have the option in the McCombs application portal to add recommenders and send them an email request.

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