Your resume provides an important opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and skills. Be sure to highlight honors, awards, language or computer skills, extracurriculars, volunteer and leadership experiences, internships, full-time work experience (if applicable), and other experiences outside of the classroom that developed your skills.

You may have noticed on the MPA admissions website that we provide MPA application resume guidelines (See tMPA resume guidelines or MPA Bridge resume guidelines) and an MPA application resume template (See tMPA resume template or MPA Bridge resume template). Although this resume format is not required, we highly recommend using the MPA template if you are in the process of reconstructing your resume. If admitted, you will be required to use this format during the recruiting process, and our MPA career coaches will work with you to fine-tune your resume.

The MPA application resume guidelines include:

  • Resume length
  • Font and font size
  • Margins
  • Tips for listing education, achievements, experience, and work eligibility

If you need to submit an updated version of your resume after you submit your application, you can do so in the McCombs application portal (Submitted Applications tab > Submit an Update). Be sure to submit any updates as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee that updates will be included in your application review, as it will depend on when you submit the updated resume and where your application is in the review process with the admissions committee.