Have you considered studying abroad next Spring on a BBA exchange program? Interested in earning business credit while taking classes at one of our 28 partner schools located around the world? Spots are still available for[…]
Category: Announcements
Study Abroad Photo Contest – You Choose the Winner!
Don’t forget to vote!! This Friday, April 16th is the last day to vote for your favorite study abroad photo!! BBA International Programs in the Undergraduate Program Office is holding the Study Abroad Photo Contest which[…]
Course Description for Konana’s Fall 2010 TC 357
T C 357 • Emerging Economies and Implications Unique 42840 • Konana, Prabhudev Meets Th 2-5pm, CRD 007B Course Description: “The likely emergence of China and India, as well as others, as new major global[…]
Student Internship Presentations (SIP)
Wednesday, April 21 (Finance/Accounting internships) 6-7 pm, CBA 4.338 Thursday, April 22 (Marketing/MIS internships) 5-6 pm, CBA 4.340 Add SIP to your Facebook events by finding the event on the Undergraduate Facebook Group (www.facebook.com/pages/Undergraduate-Business-Council/94619213931?ref=ts) Want[…]
COM Summer Program in Austria accepting applications until April 26
If you’re still in search of a challenging and interesting opportunity for this summer, how about joining 49 other students and a dozen faculty from around the world in Salzburg Austria for the Salzburg Academy[…]