The University of Texas Leadership and Ethics Institute (LEI), an initiative of the Office of the Dean of Students, invites you and your student groups to attend our upcoming Leadership Week October 5th-8th. Leadership Week is a series of events focused on promoting leadership on campus and raising awareness of opportunities for all students to further develop leadership skills.
Kick Off Rally: Monday, October 5th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the West Mall Rally Space
Get all the information you need for this week’s events, and participate in our “Defining Leadership” board activity to receive an official LEI t-shirt!
Leadership, Outreach, Unity, Diversity, and Development (L.O.U.D.D.): Tuesday, October 6th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the San Jacinto Multipurpose Room
L.O.U.D.D. is LEI’s annual leadership conference that brings leaders from across campus together for leadership training and development, networking and an opportunity to learn from peers. Hear from our keynote speaker, Dr. Soncia Reagins-Lilly, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students; and take part in this year’s break out sessions including Technology, Ethical Leadership, Sustainability and Professional Development. We will end with a networking opportunity with student leaders, administrators and faculty. To participate in L.O.U.D.D., register at
The Leadership Series – Resources on Campus: Wednesday, October 7th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the RecSports Games Room (2.104)
“Want It, Have It, Need It”
You work hard, so why not make the campus work hard for you? At this session our panelists will present a diverse number of campus resources for your individual and organizational success. Panelist include representatives from the Counseling and Mental Health Center, the Texas Union Events Co-Sponsorship Committee, the UT Police Department, the Volunteer and Service Learning Center, the Career Exploration Center and the Academic Counselors Association. You can network and start your path toward Leadership Certification! For more information about The Leadership Series visit
Resource Fair: Thursday, October 8th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Gregory Gym Plaza
We will culminate our Leadership Week by engaging in outdoor leadership activities and learning about a variety of campus resources. Take advantage of this opportunity to help ensure your success as an individual and student leader. You will also have a chance to get LEI giveaway items, including t-shirts!
For more information and details about LEI and Leadership Week visit