Tag Archives: Spring Break

Update: CPA Exam studying


Hello everyone,

Just wanted to give a quick update on my process of studying for the CPA exam.  Last time I mentioned this, I was planning on taking the exam at the end of February.  Due to my lack of commitment to studying, I had to move my date and I am now taking it in two weeks.  This is my first section of the CPA exam and I will admit, I’m pretty nervous.

I spent most of my spring break studying for this exam so now if I don’t keep up with it, I keep reminding myself that I wasted my spring break then.  So far I am about half way studying with this section and definitely need to pick up the pace.

The problem I have been having is that now that classes are back in session, I tend to worry more about my homework than my CPA studying.  That is good because my classwork is “due” first, but then again, I cannot neglect my studying.  I also started a new class this half of the semester, which has added to my workload.  Nonetheless, I need to get back on track with my studying so that I don’t waste all the time I’ve studied by not being prepared.

My advice, then, is that when you start studying for the CPA exam, you need to be committed to it and follow a schedule. Otherwise, it will fall by the wayside and will seem to always be a concern on your shoulders.  I will keep you all updated on my studying and exam process as it continues.

On another topic other than CPA exam studying, the new class I started this half of the semester has been good so far.  It is called Studies in Auditing and since I will be going into auditing after graduation, I hope the class will be very useful.  So far (in the two classes we’ve had), I’ve definitely learned more about auditing and the profession.  I look forward to our discussions about technical topics as well as current issues in the auditing profession as it is all quite interesting to me.

Please leave comments or questions about the CPA exam, my new auditing class, or anything else you would like to know!

The Last Spring Break


From Big Bend Nat’l Park, March 2010

I remember when I was a senior in college, my friends and I would talk about the last spring break and how we should make it count by doing something exceptional. However, I do not remember doing anything special that spring break three years ago. Before I knew it, I was back in school, and my friends and I were, again, talking about where to go during our last spring break. This time around, I am determined to make this break memorable. After all, it will be almost impossible to get a week off in the middle of March once I enter the workforce. Subsequent to some discussions and research on destinations and limitations, we explored the possibilities of Colorado, Cancun, and finally decided to take a road trip to Big Bend National Park.

I have never taken a road trip with my friends before, and I think the last time I was at a national park was at least seven years ago when my family went to Yosemite. My excitement was thus mixed with some anxiety of not knowing what to expect out of the trip. But, I did know for certain that the trip would be awesome because of the people I was going with. The participants of the trip consisted of my dear friend and classmate Ming-Chan, her boyfriend Tung-Yeh, our mutual friend Jack, and me. Four people, one Toyota Camry (fixed just in time for the trip!), and a lot of snacks and instant noodles.

The drive began mid-morning on the Friday before spring break officially started. We had a German wurst and schnitzel lunch in Fredericksburg then drove for seven hours almost non-stop to Big Bend (thanks, Jack!)

From Big Bend Nat’l Park, March 2010

For all three nights of our vacation, we stayed at the Chisos Mountains Lodge, the park’s only lodging. For the next couple of days, we hiked into the desert seeking Balanced Rock, down into the Santa Elena Canyon, up onto the canyon overlooking the Rio Grande Village, and played on the sandy beach of the Rio Grande. Continue reading The Last Spring Break