Can it really be the end of the semester already?! Time flies when you are having fun and that is exactly what the recruiting semester as an MPA is, FUN! As the semester comes to a close, I realize I have had such a great experience recruiting and have learned so much more about all of the firms. I have been taken to all sorts of different restaurants, venues, etc. around Austin that I have never been to, all due to recruiting events.
I last left off talking about interview week. Well after interview week, you get your callbacks inviting you either for an office visit or maybe just inviting you to recruiting events. Each firm has a different process as far as when they schedule your office visits. They are really good at communicating this with you and are always available for any questions you may have. After you get the callbacks, you start getting invited to one event per firm per week until your finals period. Be prepared to be busy!! I suggest keeping all of your options open, recruiting with as many companies as you can, but be careful to not bite off more than you can chew. School is just as important as finding the perfect job (since you need to graduate to even start your job!) so really think about your schedule before moving forward with recruiting. Once you start attending recruiting events, you sort of find your niche. You will be recruiting with the same group of students usually for each firm and you will start seeing the same recruiters at each event every week, which helps you make new friends both with recruiters and students. Then after all of the events, you will have your office visits! If all goes well, after your office visits you may receive an internship offer. The decision is never easy, but as long as you go with your gut you will end up where you are suppose to be!
I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my recruiting process as much as I have enjoyed going through it. Third year MPAs usually do one of three things during the summer after their third year: industry internship, summer school, or study abroad (sometimes study abroad and summer school together). I will be doing a full semester of classes this summer. I hope that everyone had a great semester and that your summer is filled with good times!! Oh, and good luck on finals! 🙂