Tis the Season…For Finals

Finals, finals, finals. When you’re in the business school, discussions about finals are more popular than debating the short term effects of Obama’s re-election towards corporate life.  I wanted to take the time to tell everyone that now, during finals, is the most important time to take a breather. Don’t let nerves get the best of you! Keeping a cool head, getting some solid sleep and eating right are the most important things you can do to prepare successfully for finals. From someone who has done his fair share of stressing out, I can tell you that pulling your hair doesn’t help. Here are some of the things that I like to do during finals:

  • Find an hour or two to have lunch with a friend. Everyone needs to eat and talking to friends is an excellent way to de-stress.
  • Numerous studies have proven that by exercising not only do you improve your physical well-being, but it can also positively affect your cognitive and critical thinking skills. I try to get a little bit of cardio to stay in peak condition both physically and mentally.
  • Keep up with your studying schedule. You’ve had a whole semester to slack and fall behind in class, but if you need to get through a chapter a day to be ready for a test, do a chapter a day! Remember that working hard and doing well in class equates to a happy winter break where you can relax as much as you’d like.

Have faith and believe in yourself! You didn’t get admitted into the number one accounting program in the nation for nothing! You all know what this time is like. Keep your head up, smile, and take a deep breath. Now share with us what you do to stay sane during finals.

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