The thing that usually comes to mind with The University of Texas at Austin is Longhorn football. Football is such a huge part of the culture here and is part of the Longhorn identity. Football also illustrates some of the core characteristics that come to define the university as a whole and especially the MPA program. Some of these qualities include teamwork, loyalty and excellence

Sitting in the stands of the football stadium, wearing burnt orange along with 100,000 other people, I feel like I am part of something so much bigger than myself. Although I am not on the field playing football, I feel as if I am part of the team. Everyone on the field and in the crowd wants to succeed as one and conquer all the challenges that face us.
This team-oriented culture is also very prevalent in the MPA program. The curriculum is very team based, so it provides the program a much more collaborative than competitive atmosphere. I was personally very nervous about joining such a prestigious program, and heard that everyone was extremely competitive concerning grades and job offers. However, because of the team-oriented culture my experience has been everyone trying to succeed together and accomplish a common goal.
No one can question longhorn fans’ loyalty after experiencing a home Texas game. Look around the crowd and you see fans with “Texas Fight!” tattoos, burnt orange and white body paint and various crazy outfits showing their fierce loyalty to the longhorns. Everyone involved with the university (whether it be sport fans, students, faculty, staff, etc.) has such a strong sense of loyalty to UT. We believe and adhere to all of the university’s spirit, traditions and values. It’s something I have really come to appreciate the university, because I feel loyalty can be hard to find in the world today.
Loyalty is also becoming hard to find in corporate America. However, loyalty is a core quality in McCombs and the MPA program that is stressed to each student. As accountants, loyalty is especially important because we have a duty to remain loyal to the users of financial statements no matter who pays the paycheck. Loyalty is that much easier to develop here at UT because of the importance of this quality in the university’s culture as a whole.
At the start of each game, there is a video that plays showing all the Heisman trophies, Big 12 and national titles the Texas Longhorns have. It demands excellence of our team before they even start playing.
The culture is the same on the academic side. Coming into the top accounting program in the nation, excellence is demanded of every student before classes start. A quote that perfectly describes the learning environment here at Texas MPA is one by Warren G. Bennis:
“Excellence is a better teacher than mediocrity. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary.”
I hope everyone has a lovely week, and will be cheering on our Longhorn football team as they take on Kansas State at our last home game this season! Hook ‘em!