Are you an MPA Bridge applicant with questions about our MPA Bridge admissions process? The MPA admissions team put together a list of frequently asked questions. Find answers and tips below!
What are the eligibility requirements to apply to MPA Bridge?
You must satisfy the following criteria to be eligible to apply to the MPA Bridge program for summer 2025 entry:
- Be a current UT undergraduate student completing a non-accounting bachelor’s degree
- Have a minimum 3.5 grade point average, both overall and in your major
- Have senior standing (90 or more credit hours) prior to summer 2025
- Complete the course pre-enrollment requirements before applying to MPA Bridge (ideal) or before enrolling in MPA classes (required)
- Have an expected bachelor’s degree completion date of summer 2025, fall 2025, or spring 2026
- If you plan to finish your bachelor’s degree in spring 2025 or sooner, apply to the traditional MPA program for fall 2025 (with a potential summer 2025 start date)
- If you will finish your bachelor’s degree in summer 2026 through spring 2027, apply to MPA Bridge next year for summer 2026 entry
When are MPA Bridge admissions applications reviewed for a decision?
The MPA admissions committee reviews completed MPA Bridge applications on a continuous, “rolling” basis. Eligible applicants may apply anytime during the admissions cycle until the final May 6, 2025 application deadline. We encourage you to apply as soon as you have completed the majority of the pre-enrollment courses.
Should I submit my application and transcript before fall grades are available?
If you’re aiming to apply early so that you can receive an earlier admissions decision, you can submit a transcript without fall grades. (We will reach out if we need your fall grades before making a decision.) That said, we highly recommend waiting to submit your application and transcript with your fall grades if:
- You are taking pre-enrollment courses in the fall, and/or
- Your GPA will be improved substantially with your fall grades.
It is better to wait and submit the strongest application possible rather than overly rush to apply!
I submitted my application. When will I receive an admissions decision?
Your application will not be considered complete and reviewed for a decision until at least two faculty recommendation letters have been received. Verify the receipt of your recommendation letters in the McCombs application portal (Submitted Applications tab > Manage Recommenders). If needed, send additional requests for letters through the portal. Decisions for U.S. applications are released approximately six weeks after application completion.
Any questions we missed?
If you have still have questions regarding our admissions process, please contact us! We’re happy to help.