Category: Weekend MBA (page 3 of 3)

Why It’s OK (and sometimes
better) to Submit Your MBA Application in the Final Round

This MBA Insider content comes from Christie Jenkins, Senior Recruiting and Admissions Officer for the Evening MBA Program.

Let’s start with a game of two truths and a lie! Can you spot the lie among the statements below?

  • Texas McCombs is always seeking the most qualified candidates for its MBA programs.
  • The Admissions Committee reviews applications holistically, considering a candidate’s academic performance, work experience, program fit, and a variety of other hard and soft skills.
  • Candidates must apply early to have the best chance at admission.

The first two statements are true. We are looking for the best people we can find, and we review a candidate’s academic profile, work history, and how a Texas McCombs MBA can help them achieve their goals.

The last statement is a myth – and it’s one of the most common misconceptions about applying to our MBA programs.

We are not simply trying to fill the next incoming class as soon as possible; we want to ensure that we have the strongest and most dynamic class we can get. Therefore, we have the same rigorous admissions standards regardless of when you apply. Often, some of our best students apply in the final round!

Depending on the format of the MBA program you are pursuing, either as a Full-Time student or in our Working Professional or Executive MBA programs, your preparation process will likely differ.

Full-Time MBA applicants are choosing to leave the workforce for two years and often relocate to a new city. These steps require advanced planning, and usually, applicants have been working towards them for months. However, there are a variety of valid reasons an applicant may wait until the final round to apply to a Full-Time MBA program. Perhaps there have been unexpected changes to your work or living situation, and suddenly, now would be the ideal time to make a move. Or, you just wrapped up a big project, and you can finally focus on submitting a top-notch application. Or maybe, you’ve only recently come to the realization that pursuing an MBA is the best next step forward to reach your goals.

Working Professional and Executive MBA candidates, who are planning to earn their MBA while continuing to work full-time, typically have a different set of considerations. Of course, you will still notify your employer of your intent to start an MBA, but you can tell them a bit later in the application process. Those conversations will center on your growth plan with your company and if they can offer schedule flexibility or financial sponsorship. You’ll also want to gain support from friends and family, and set expectations with them on how you will manage your time with your new priorities. Because Working Professional and Executive MBA students can continue working and living in the same area, they tend to apply later.

Often, it’s not clear that the time is right to pursue your MBA until later in the application cycle, and candidates don’t want to wait a year before getting started. Sometimes an application can be even stronger when you wait to submit until after you’ve landed a promotion, closed that latest deal, or had more time to prepare. The Admissions Committee recognizes this dynamic. When you’re ready to apply, we’re ready for you.

Bottom line: The best time to submit your application is when you feel ready to do so and you’re confident it will be the best representation of you and your potential in the program.

button that reads "Start or Submit Your MBA Application"

Ready to get started on your MBA journey? Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs, application components, deadlines, and upcoming events, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Chris Stafford Reignites MBA at Houston eQual to Foster Community for LGBTQ+ Students

Written by Meena Anderson

Chris Stafford, MBA at Houston Class of 2024, is reigniting the Weekend MBA program’s eQual chapter, an organization aimed at fostering community and solidarity among LGBTQ+ MBA students. 

“When I started the Fall semester in Houston, I learned that eQual Houston had fizzled away during COVID-19 and needed fresh blood to give it a restart,” Chris says. “I know how important it is for community engagement and representation both internally and externally. I think it’s really important to have LGBTQ+ representation in the program and also for students to get involved in the local LGBTQ+ community.”

Alongside completing his MBA, Chris is employed at ExxonMobil. Prior to his MBA journey, he graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in 2010 and served as an Officer in the Navy Reserves. 

Photo of chris in his navy uniform standing outside of a navy hospital ship.

Chris during his time in the Navy Reserve in 2011.

“The ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ policy (DADT) was still in place while I was a Midshipman at USMMA and for the beginning part of my time as an Officer in the Reserves, this policy required that I keep my identity as a gay man a secret and live my life ‘in the closet,’” Chris says. “I actually wrote my admissions essay to McCombs about the repeal of DADT and how it shaped my career. Serving under the DADT policy was not easy and surely presented lots of obstacles, but I am a stronger person for it.”

Photo of chris and his husband kissing at their wedding.

Chris and his husband, Tyler, kiss during their wedding.

Chris says his background in maritime operations and trading influenced his decision to apply to the Weekend MBA at Houston program.

“I really want to grow my business acumen and enhance my understanding of different aspects of business that I have yet to be exposed to. My employer is very supportive of me getting my MBA and I am really hoping to bring back to the office what I am learning at McCombs,” he says. “When trying to decide on where to go for my MBA, there were a few options locally here in Houston I was considering. I wanted a strong academic program with a large network, great reputation and prestige and a big school atmosphere.”

After settling in at the program, Chris and his classmates got in contact with the Dallas and Austin chapters of eQual, who were instrumental in helping reboot the organization for the Houston program.

“We plan to link up with both Austin and Dallas eQual groups more in the future and try to host some joint events,”  Chris says. “We announced to our classmates on National Coming Out Day that eQual was back and that started the buzz. We had significant interest and were super excited to get it going.”

For the future of Houston’s eQual endeavors, Chris and other organizers in the group plan to engage with the local community and increase awareness about topics of diversity and inclusion.

Chris and his husband hold up a rainbow pride flag

Chris and Tyler pose with a rainbow Pride flag at Cross Fit.

“We plan to get involved in local philanthropic and volunteer endeavors, for example the Houston Pride Parade and Montrose Center,” he says. “We plan to bring in guest speakers to speak to eQual about inclusion and diversity in the workplace, and hopefully get local executives that identify as LGBTQ+ to speak to our cohorts about their experiences in the corporate world.”

Ultimately, Chris’ goal is to uplift and support the McCombs — and extended — LGBTQ+ community in both the corporate world and their academic ventures.

“Our main goal is to be a voice for the students in the Houston MBA program, especially those of us that identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. We strive to protect and promote an inclusive and safe environment and celebrate diversity in all forms within the program. We want to leverage LGBTQ+ alumni to help mentor and recruit students that are a part of the eQual group, as well as act as a recruiting tool for the admission team to continue to admit diverse classes in the future.”

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Hook ’em!

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