Competition Funds Charities Close to Students’ Hearts

USIT competition

Team Inside Books

The Universities Securities Investment Team (USIT) recently held their 2nd annual Texas Charity Pitch competition. Student teams presented charities to a panel of judges in a competition for a $6,000 pool of donations. Teams are tasked with developing a presentation on the financial effectiveness of the charity they have chosen, and convincing the judges to award money to their charity. Several BHP students were among the winning teams.

The winning team pitched Inside Books Project, which is an Austin-based charity that sends packages of two to three books to prisoners across Texas. Team members Hasan Syed, Karna Venkatraj, Arel Rende and Phoebe Lin (pictured above) put a lot of work into their presentation and it showed.

“My favorite part about the Charity Pitch was receiving the opportunity to support Inside Books Project, a books donations organization that my teammates and I strongly believe in,” said Phoebe Lin, a BHP freshman. “As the only charity of its kind in Texas, Inside Books Project helps break the cycles of incarceration and poverty in the state.”

Inside Books Project has drastically expanded its operations in the past two decades, donating over 250,000 books since its inception in 1998. Because of their win, the charity will receive $3000 in donations from USIT.

Second place went to “The Arrow Group,” consisting of Abhinav Sridharan, Marylin Cai and Jay Mondkar (pictured below), all BHP freshmen. They won $2,000 for The Robin Hood Foundation. Robin Hood is a charity that practices venture philanthropy. The organization uses effective financial strategies to fund other organizations. Created by hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones, Robin Hood provides funding to other charities in the New York City area in order to alleviate poverty, and also provides financial assistance, legal services and advisory consulting in order to help non-profits run their daily operations efficiently.

“Competing at the Texas Charity Pitch taught me how to use a business mindset for helping people and solving real world problems,” said Abhinav. “It was amazing to see the diverse causes each charity worked towards in the final round, and each team had a different dynamic that made all the presentations intriguing.”

“I also found my interactions with the judges very valuable. Many of them came from fields such as private equity, banking, consulting, and non-profits, and I learned a lot from talking to the judges about their careers once the competition was over.” Abhinav said he hopes to compete in more case competitions and stock pitch competitions in the future.

Congratulations to everyone who competed and thank you to USIT for hosting such a meaningful competition for the McCombs community!

USIT competition2

The Arrow Group


Students Learn About Startup Life from Alums at New Event


On Monday, November 9, the Honors Business Association held Start-Up Speed Dating, the first-ever event of this kind for BHP students interested in entrepreneurship. Approximately 30 students were able to meet with six prominent BHP alumni (listed below), all of whom found success in the startup space:

  • Travis Devitt (BHP/FIN ‘06) – current Director of Growth at Aceable and Angel Investor
  • Michael Koetting (BHP/MIS ‘13) – current Corporate Development Manager at Civitas Learning and Co-Founder of
  • Cindy Lo (BHP/MIS ‘98) – President/Owner/Event Strategist at Red Velvet Events, an international award-winning meeting and events management company
  • Elliot Oshman (BHP/MIS ‘00) – current Principal Program Manager at Amazon and former Director of Client Operations/Senior Technical Advisor/Senior Manager for Delivery Operations at Mass Relevance (now Spredfast)
  • Haley Robison (BHP/FIN ‘07) – current COO of the innovative outdoor equipment brand KAMMOK, MBA/MA in Education graduate from Stanford University, former curriculum designer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and former consultant at Bain & Company
  • Joel Knight (BHP/MIS ‘02) – Vice President of Customer Experience at WP Engine; formerly worked for several early-stage startups including Bazaarvoice, BlackLocus, and Compare Metrics

Rotating through small groups of 5-6 students each, the alumni provided valuable insights about their entrepreneurial experiences and shared the lessons they learned during their careers so far.

Interested in entrepreneurship but couldn’t attend this year’s Start-Up Speed Dating? Check out the below major takeaways that students learned from the event:

  1. Optimize for opportunity. Travis Devitt, who joined a startup after working in hedge funds for eight years, advised students to look beyond perks or salaries and choose jobs that give us the greatest opportunities for growth and advancement. Often these opportunities can come at startups, where employees are given a lot of responsibility and are continually challenged to help the company grow.
  2. Entrepreneurship has no GPA. Michael Koetting put it this way: if you go into your test tomorrow and absolutely bomb it, that grade will stay with you in some form or fashion for the rest of your college career. The impact of failure on your GPA is somewhat irreversible, but the same isn’t true for entrepreneurship. Failures don’t put a stain on a resume, provided you learn from them. In fact, they can often be good things. So when it happens, pick yourself up and move on.
  3. Get plugged in to the Austin startup scene. Austin provides a plethora of events for budding entrepreneurs, and these events are a great way to meet other people in the startup scene. A subscription to Austin Startup Digest will help you learn about these types of events. Once you’re there, network, learn from other entrepreneurs, and find out about some of the most innovative ideas coming out of Austin.
  4. Do what scares you – but don’t make decisions out of fear. Haley Robison told students that she took her current job at a startup because it was the one job that scared her the most. She said she knew that she would be challenged, that she was passionate about the idea, and that it would help her grow. However, she also said that fear shouldn’t rule your decision-making process. Don’t do something because you’re afraid of what will happen if you do something else. Do it because you want to.
  5. Act on your idea now. If you have an idea and you think it’s worth pursuing, start testing it out now. See if you can get people to listen to you, and try to gauge their response. When building a team, make sure you get people who really believe in what you’re doing. If you can’t get a couple of friends who are passionate about working with your idea, chances are you’ll have a hard time convincing investors to invest in your company.

After a successful first event, HBA looks forward to continuing its partnership with BHP alumni, exposing students to the wide variety of career options available to them through BHP.


Student Spotlight: Humza Tariq

Humza Tariq, BHP

BHP Junior, Humza Tariq, is the founder and president of the Texas Sports Analytics Group and co-chair for both the Texas Undergraduate Investment Team and the BHP Ethics Board. While balancing three internships, he has received University Honors for the past two years and is a Distinguished College Scholar.

You created your own student organization, Texas Sports Analytics. Can you tell us your motivation behind this?
Growing up, I really loved math, statistics, and sports. In high school, I read countless sports statistics blogs and saw different ways of looking at sports. When I came to UT, I spent the first two years thinking it would be great if there was a group on campus that was dedicated to doing research on sports through a statistical lens.

No similar organization existed to my knowledge, so I finally got the courage to start one with a couple of my friends. We then started to notice a large amount of job postings on social media sites for NBA teams for jobs that combined sports and data analytics. The ultimate goal for this group is to serve as a recruiting pipeline for students interested in working for large teams in the NFL and NBA, and hopefully in the future expand to golf and tennis leagues.

What have you learned from your various internships?
I have interned with a real estate company, a local private equity firm, and an investment bank. Through my experience, I have gained new skills and sharpened others. All of the internships have taught me about being an adult in the workforce and having to go to work every morning. They teach you to manage your time wisely when you are put on several projects that have deadlines around the same time. And, they give you an insight to certain sectors that you may or may not be passionate about. Overall, I recommend that every student at McCombs intern as much as possible, because it is really valuable.

How do you manage your schedule and excel academically and professionally?
Managing my collegiate schedule was tough at first—trying to balance class, studying, and extracurricular activities. It is necessary that everyone find their way to stay organized and keep up with assignments. I personally spend one day a week to get as much done as possible. Instead of sleeping in on Saturday, I will wake up a couple of hours early, study hard, and then I am set for the rest of the weekend and able to study normally during the week.

Budgeting time is also important. Be honest and realistic with yourself about how much time something will take. I plan out all important dates and assignments in a planner, but a personal trick I have found useful is texting myself things I need to do and leaving them as unread messages until they are completed.

Beyond academic and professional development, what else do you find important as a college student?
In the next few years I want to give back as much as I can. I want to having a prospective on the bigger things. It’s easy in the business school to get wrapped up in careers and jobs. It is nice to be driven and motivated, but you should never let it get in the way of friendships or having a prospective of what is going on in the world.  Sometimes you are so wrapped up that you forget what is around you and those less-fortunate.  I encourage my peers to see what one can do to help out the Austin community. I am working towards achieving this and I think we should all keep this in mind as students. It’s important to stay grounded and humble in all you do, no matter your level of success.

What do you want to do when you graduate? What are your future aspirations?
I always enjoy keeping my options open and having an open mind when it comes to career decisions. Outside of work, I am interested in non-profits, specifically in social finance—investing in businesses that do social good. I want to do some good in the world. If there is a way to incorporate finance, I think that would be really interesting.

Alumni Spotlight: Mac Shropshire, Class of 2010

mac shropshireMac Shropshire graduated from BHP in 2010. After working for four years at Halliburton in an accounting function, Mac took a finance role with Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), a company focused on providing ecological offsets. Mac is currently a Financial Analysis Manager for RES. RES is currently looking for students interested in interning over the summer. If you are interested in this opportunity, contact Mac at

What does Resource Environmental Solutions (RES) do?

We provide ecological offset solutions to clients when they have unavoidable impacts that they are required to mitigate for prior to receiving a permit. We work with oil and gas, refining, government, essentially anyone whose project cannot avoid an environmental impact. They are required to offset the damage they are going to do prior to receiving this permit. The rule was established under the Clean Water Act.

RES was founded in 2007 and last fall we acquired a company called EBX, which had been doing this kind of work since 1997. The industry kicked off under the first Bush presidency. He instituted a “no net loss” wetlands policy, and then the modern mitigation banking industry further cemented with something called the Final Rule in 2008, which encouraged third-party mitigation, as opposed to only government-run programs.

You have been there for nearly two years now. How has your role changed in that time and what are you responsible for?

As time has gone on, I have been able to shoulder more responsibility. I started doing solely management reporting and project valuation work. Now I find myself regularly pulled into sales, land, and regional planning meetings. Essentially all aspects of our financial decision-making.

Working at a startup, I’m required to wear many hats: financial planning and budgeting, M&A work, such as acquiring EBX, management reporting, and raising capital. We are moving to a new ERP system, and I am helping with implementation for that. I got to flex some writing and powerpoint muscle when we created a presentation for lenders to increase our borrowing base.

Prior to your work at RES, you were an accountant for Halliburton. Why did you decide to make the move from accounting to finance and to move to RES?

I was approached about RES by a recruiter. I had been looking to move to a smaller organization and the industries that RES worked in aligned with my personal interests. I thought I would enjoy working for a start-up where I would have a wider breadth of responsibilities. At larger companies, you are asked to do more specific work, and your involvement in other areas is limited.

I am still involved in accounting work and my accounting education gave me a great background, but going to a smaller company gave me the opportunity to be in a finance role. I was always more interested in finance work. I was actually given a test when I applied for RES that was a case study for finance, not so different from what I saw at McCombs. My performance on that test was a reason I got the job. I was thankful for the number of case studies we got in BHP. I really felt prepared for that test using skills I developed in BHP.

What was your role at Halliburton and what skills did you gain from your experiences there?

When I started my career there, I did management reporting work, then I transitioned into SEC reporting. I was vetting numbers and drafting footnotes for public filings. I also got to work with the investor relations team. Halliburton really helped me in terms of learning what it is like to work in a controlled environment. It was also helpful to learn interdepartmental coordination skills. They had 80,000 employees by the time I left and I was working with people from various countries and departments around the globe. Doing SEC reporting, it is incredibly important to get multiple sources to vet a single number, so that really helped me with my attention to detail.

RES is committed to environmental responsibility. What do you most enjoy about working for a company that is committed to a cause?

It makes it easier to work the long hours when your company has a mission that you support. It has been very eye-opening to me to see this as a path to sustainability. It was a novel concept to me for there to be a for-profit business that is helping the environment. In its infancy, ecological offsets were primarily done through government-run in-lieu fee programs, and a lot of time the work wasn’t getting done.  In contrast, RES has restored over 32,000 acres of wetlands and 155 miles of stream (with 0% site failure) and planted over 8 million trees. We have done a lot of amazing conservation work as a for-profit company.

There is a lot of discussion right now about ecological offsets. Where do you think RES is headed in the future and what role will they play in that growth?

Newer ecological offset markets for us have been water quality and endangered species offsets. A lot of the work we have done historically has been under the Clean Water Act, but these newer markets are driven by state laws and the Endangered Species Act. I also see us expanding our geographical footprint. Sometimes it requires a company like RES to come into a market to bring it up to speed and to bring them away from government-run programs and into mitigation banking.

RES has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America by the Inc. 5000 list for the past five years. What are the challenges of working at a company growing so fast?

I would say meeting everyone. When I started here there were only 40 people and now we have more than 80. Every hiring decision is an important one. You have to look ahead to hire for the work you are doing in the future, not just today.

Looking back on your time at UT, is there anything you wish you had done differently or any advice you have for current BHP students?

I would have branched out beyond the business school and taken more science classes than what was required of me. I would have used my elective classes to take science, computer programming or MIS classes. I have had to teach myself a lot of that.

BHP Team Takes First Place at Eller Ethics Case Competition

2015EllerThe Eller School of Management hosted its 13th annual Collegiate Ethics Case Competition this past week at the University of Arizona. Thirty-three teams, hailing from Mexico to Canada, offered solutions to the case, which focused on Uber. BHP seniors Rachel Huynh and George Chidiac, delivered business, legal, and ethical recommendations for the global giant – and came home with a victory.

What character defines Uber? How should Uber operate in volatile legal environments? How can Uber improve its business model to survive… and thrive? These questions guided Rachel and George as they argued Uber is able to become an ethical company. More importantly, with the help of philosophy, business law, and pragmatism, the two argued it is necessary for Uber to be ethical.

“This year’s case topic on the ethics of Uber brought a novel challenge to George and I because we had never done a case specifically focused on ethics before;” said Rachel.

“In many of our other cases, rigorous modeling and financials often took center stage over qualitative analyses. Since this case was purely qualitative in its nature, it was an incredible way to take a step back from a hyper-focus on the bottom line and instead deep dive into what we believe it means to be a business in our society. We found ourselves debating ideas and referencing texts from our philosophy, government, and LEB classes to answer these difficult questions.”

The two-day competition poised a unique format: round one was one twenty minute presentation followed by a five minute Q&A, and round two was a 12 minute firing round of questions from the judges. The top teams advanced from five brackets. In the final round, after a shorter 10 minute presentation, one question set apart the top 5 teams: “Is Uber an ethical company?” No better question epitomized the focus of the competition, reminding us businesses are made of people, by people, and for people.

Rachel said the case left them pondering deeper questions about their careers and how they can personally shape their organizations or companies as agents of society. “It’s not enough just to do well; you have to do good too,” she said. “As George and I made the trek back to Austin, we read a Southwest Airlines sign: ‘Without heart, a business is just a machine.’ We couldn’t agree more.”

You can view George and Rachel’s presentation in the final round of the competition here.