Summer Internship | Student Spotlight: Jack Butler – St. Cloud Capital

CompanySt. Cloud Capital
Position: Analyst InternJack Butler

What were your overall responsibilities in your internship?

As St. Cloud was (and currently is) deploying capital from its third fund, I was primarily tasked with researching potential investments in the pipeline to help with the deal screening process.  That meant starting off with initial research on pitch decks and pro forma financials we received from management teams to decide which of those deals matched up with St. Cloud’s investment strategy.  I then did much more in-depth research on the few deals we signed up with letters of intent (LOIs) – building out cases and stress-testing the sensitivity of our debt to important assumptions like customer churn, mapping out competitors, and looking at precedent transactions to try to determine how we should price our warrants.  Since I was the only intern in the office, I also did all sorts of odd jobs to help out the partners and free up their time to go out and source more deals.

What is unique about the company and culture of St. Cloud Capital?

St. Cloud was, in my opinion, the perfect company environment.  The team was made up of people from a variety of different prestigious backgrounds – investment banking, distressed credit and special situations, fundamental equity, etc.  They were also all friendly and had an open-door policy, and would take time during the day to answer whatever questions I had.  Some of my questions pertained to the projects I was working on, but there were plenty of times where the professionals there were more than happy to give me their high-level thoughts on the markets, discuss stock picks, and help me out with recruiting advice.

What is your biggest takeaway from this internship?

Getting to tap into the experience of people who’ve been investing in public and private markets for many years was the best part of my time at St. Cloud.  Excel-monkey stuff is important, but it’s also fairly easily self-taught and/or drilled into you when you start working. The important stuff is the perspective you get from working with people who know how to look at deals, from sitting in on meetings with management teams and learning what questions to ask, and from learning the “why” behind what you’re working on and how it supports the investment process.

Did the internship meet or supersede your expectations? How?

St. Cloud invests in lower middle market companies (annual revenue generally between $10 million and $150 million) across all sectors, typically with a combination of debt and equity.  The breadth of this generalist strategy allowed me to pivot across multiple industries every few days and learn about business models I never knew existed.  It also gave me insights on how to assess a wide variety of transaction structures.  I was included on all of the management meetings and diligence calls for deals I worked on, and even got to meet with teams on site.  The whole experience was highly collaborative, and I always had interesting work to do.   I couldn’t have asked for a better summer internship.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to work in a similar industry?

You should always understand why you’re working on something and how it relates to the big picture.  You should choose a firm where the learning curve is steep, where the people who work above you care about your development, and where you enjoy talking to the people you work with about things other than work.  And you should always ask questions.

Alumni Spotlight: Haley Robison, CEO of KAMMOK – Class of 2007

HaleyHaley Robison, BHP 2007, is CEO for KAMMOK, an Austin-based company providing quality outdoor gear and apparel to the socially-conscious adventurer. She has quite a diverse background from consulting with Bain & Co. to leading backpacking expeditions. Haley will be leading a Career Design session for BHP students in the fall to help them assess their priorities and apply design thinking towards career exploration.

You have had quite an interesting path since graduating. Take us through your career path.

I joined Bain & Co. after graduation and worked there for a little more than three years. I took advantage of the externship program there and moved to San Francisco for six months to help Summer Search build a strategic partnership plan. I left Bain in 2010 to pursue my interest in outdoor education. I signed up for a wilderness course through the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). Through that program, I lived outside from February to May in 2011 in Wyoming and Utah.

After that, I decided to pursue a year-long theology program, the Trinity Forum Academy to explore the big “why” questions. I was trying to figure out who I was and find my calling. As part of my fellowship, I wrote a thesis exploring human experience in nature.  During that time, I applied to the Stanford Graduate School and was accepted. Before starting at Stanford, I spent the summer working for a company called Solid Rock leading extended backpacking trips for high school girls. In the fall I went to Stanford and was there for two-and-a-half years completing joint master’s degrees in business and education. I worked at IDEO for the summer of 2013 as an organization designer. After graduation, I stayed on with Stanford in their Design School to design curriculum.

From there, I met an investor for KAMMOK, by chance, in Palo Alto and got connected to the founder of KAMMOK, which is where I am now. I have had this incredible opportunity to help them scale, and to combine all of my interests, passions, and skills in design and outdoors.

Did you have a path in mind for yourself or were you just open to opportunities as they came about?

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after graduating. Like many students in that situation, I thought consulting would be a great way to figure that out. I just kept saying yes and pursuing doors that opened and seemed interesting to me. I have had a non-linear path, but looking back it is easy to connect the dots. It didn’t feel that way at the time though. I didn’t have a path in mind. I would have never thought I would run an outdoor apparel company when I was 30, but it now makes sense to me that I would have ended up where I am given what I care about and am interested in. I also never thought I would want to work for a product company, but KAMMOK has been an exciting opportunity. I am able to explore how product companies have an impact in the world and serve as catalysts for some of our most impactful experiences. It has been interesting exploring how to design and sell products around people and experiences.

Your LinkedIn profile title says “outdoor and design enthusiast.” Talk about your passion for both of these areas and how they are a part of your current role.

I have had some pretty transformative experiences in the outdoors, both individually and with other people as part of a community. Experiences in the outdoors can really shape our character, our understanding of who we are as individuals, and our understanding of the world around us. I really love designing experiences through the lens of people and learning objectives. I enjoy figuring out what the experience is that would unlock insights and learning for people.

In our industry there is a huge trend towards urbanization. Outdoor brands are having to ask a lot of interesting questions around how we encourage people to experience the outdoors from where they are. The products we create need to be able to transition with you from the backyard to the back country, and need to have utility in a city and beyond. As we think about expanding our mission to get people outdoors and expanding our products, the first questions we ask are who we are designing for, what do they need, and what does their life look like. Through that lens, I get to be a designer every day.

You participated in and also led intense outdoor expeditions. What can be learned in those programs?

I saw incredible life change in the high school girls I led on backpacking expeditions. If you string up a hammock in your backyard and look up, you have a different perspective. This perspective change can ground us. We live in a hyper-connected world and there is something about disconnecting and reconnecting with a sense of just being and feeling all the elements that is very refreshing. It is also challenging at times. You have to think practically and creatively to deal with outdoor challenges. Learning how to do that is applicable in everyday life. You also learn you have more in you than you realize when you are challenged by things that are unknown or intimidate you. A lot of times in the outdoors we face those challenges, whether physically, spiritually or emotionally, and conquering those can boost your confidence. I also think conservation and recreation are tied. We are realizing the impact we have on our environment and we need to be good stewards of our environment. To care for something, you have to love it and know it, so spending time outdoors can help us cultivate a sense of responsibility and stewardship for our environment.

How did the Career Design project at Stanford come about for you?

I spent a lot of time at the Design School at Stanford developing curriculum. They were looking to hire a curriculum designer to redesign their career offerings for incoming MBA students. I jumped at the opportunity and I got to help shape what that looked like. We built a series of six workshops based on student input. The goal was to equip students with a toolkit for exploring careers effectively and to teach them how keep a strong sense of self during their time in the program, so they didn’t fall into herd mentality. We also equipped them with the tools for taking action, so they could try out areas of interest and make progress towards their goals.

What are KAMMOK’s growth goals right now and what are you focused on as the new CEO.

We more than doubled revenue in 2015, rolled out nationally to all REI stores, and increased our online business significantly. Our growth goals are to continue to grow a profitable omni-channel business, to continue to deepen our core accounts, and to build a robust offering on Our mission is to equip and inspire life-changing adventure. We want to continue to build our brand story and invite people into a lifestyle of adventure. Right now we are a product company, but we want to add experiences. Our focus for now though is to figure out what the best products are to amplify our mission. We are defining technical outdoor for the urban millennial and thinking about the best products. We also want to create a fantastic digital experience for our customers on Financially we are hoping to have double-digit revenue growth again this year. A big thing on the horizon is that we are moving into a new space in the heart of East Austin. This will be our first retail presence, and will help us become more relevant in Austin. We hope the store will be a great resource for people who want to get outdoors and have questions about what gear to use.

What do you most enjoy about working for KAMMOK?

I love that our team owns KAMMOK. In this business if you fail, you get real-time feedback on that. That sense of ownership is incredibly powerful and I haven’t had that in more service-related jobs. I also love the mission of KAMMOK. We see products as a catalyst for life change and we want to create products that lead to magical experiences for people. I enjoy building our team to amplify that mission.

What advice do you have for current BHP students?

I would tell them everything is going to be okay. There can be a lot of pressure to figure it out and I don’t know that we ever figure it out. Figuring it out is the journey and is a beautiful process. Have confidence in what a next step looks like and don’t feel pressure to get it right. The millennial generation will change jobs potentially 20 times in their lifetime. Don’t be afraid to take a risk. There are certain tracks people file into. If you already know that isn’t you, create an opportunity for yourself and don’t just respond to opportunities in front of you.

Alumni Spotlight: Taylor Hwang, Class of 1990

Taylor HwangTaylor Hwang, BHP ’90, has had a varied career in emerging technologies and entrepreneurship, working on both coasts, in Korea, and in various industries. He is currently Head of Strategic Relationships at an advanced data analytics company in San Francisco.

While at Booz Allen & Hamilton, you worked on a project in cooperation with Netscape that turned out to be the world’s first global intranet. Tell me more about that project and what you learned from it.

The firm was using itself as a guinea pig to determine what could be offered to clients. Netscape was an unknown company at the time, and we needed external expertise about internet-based technology since we didn’t know much about it. Netscape sent one of their technical experts, who turned out to be Marc Andreessen {editor’s note: Marc is co-founder of Netscape and is one of six inductees to the World Wide Web Hall of Fame}. The idea was to create a tool that would serve as a knowledge system. A consultancy runs off the knowledge of experts in-house. The existing culture was such that if you were the particular subject matter expert, you would hoard that knowledge so that related projects had to come to you for expertise.

The knowledge system had the potential to change the existing culture. With the intranet, if you wanted to be the recognized subject matter expert, you had to be the author of the dominant document on that subject which was then shared across the company. The companion project to the launch of the intranet was the development of a change management practice. Up until the mid-90s, the major management consultancies would charge a company a large fee for a report about a particular problem and then it would be up to the client to read and implement the recommendations.  Often the client’s senior leadership wouldn’t really know how to implement the recommended changes, and the changes they tried to implement would frequently fail. Booz Allen recognized that the launch of the intranet knowledge system would require a cultural shift in the company and had to be explicit about how to get colleagues to embrace the changes. We studied how to get organizations to change and used this knowledge on ourselves to adopt the new intranet. We were using ourselves as a guinea pig on two different experiments and both worked very well, much better than most people had anticipated.

Apple heard about the project and decided to provide marketing support, and as a result, anyone who was remotely involved in the project was being hunted by headhunters and offered big positions many of us were unqualified to take. The interesting lesson for me at that early point in my career was that unplanned opportunities can come your way if you’re already working hard toward some meaningful goal.  I didn’t recognize the magnitude of internet technology’s potential and lobby to get on the project. I was forced on the project as a lesson for being too finicky about what projects I was willing to work.  Yet, that experience turned out to be one of the most significantly positive points in my career.

In 2002, you started your own business, EmiFinancial Corporation. What service did your company provide and what lessons in entrepreneurship would you pass on to others who are thinking about or have already started their own business?

Emifinancial provided stored-value MasterCard financial services customized to the unbanked Hispanic immigrant consumer at about half the average annual fees. I started that business in an industry that I had very little exposure to. It worked out okay for me, but I don’t know if it was the right decision. I selected the EmiFinancial business because my industry expertise was in media and entertainment right after the internet bubble burst, and media wasn’t a great industry at the time for a first-time entrepreneur to start a new business. I wanted to go into an industry that provided essentials, and basic financial services is an essential. We did a structured brainstorming and applied weighted prioritization criteria, and the idea for EmiFinancial rose to the top out of 26 ideas. It was important to me that we apply the same kind of rigor in starting a company that we would apply for a client.

In most cases, it is better to be in an industry you understand well. The target demographic was Hispanic immigrants, and I didn’t understand that market at all. It would have been much easier if I went into an industry I understood or was fascinated by. I was just fascinated by the idea of starting a new company and learning a new demographic. Starting a company is one of the hardest jobs. You have to pursue it because you love what it is, and love the gratification of building something, and if it is a consumer business, offering something of value to your customer. I would recommend that if you do find a viable opportunity where you are already interested in the subject matter or audience, that’s usually a good reason to pursue that opportunity.

You spent nearly three years in Seoul, Korea, as a country manager for frog design. How was doing business over there different than doing business in the U.S.?

It was completely different, especially relative to the meritocracy of the Bay Area. Korea, many feel is one of the last strongholds of Confucianist society. It’s like bureaucracy masquerading as philosophy and almost the opposite of meritocracy. If you are an employee working at one of the conglomerates and you start with a number of peers in a certain group, you are a team. If you are contributing more relative to your teammates and advance ahead of the group, the group views you as an enemy at that point, so management will actually suppress your advancement to give the group a chance to catch up and promote corporate harmony. There is also an ageist element to Korean business. As an example, I showed up to a meeting with a conglomerate CEO where his bank of secretaries greeted me. They thought I looked much younger than expected from my title and tried to bar me from meeting the CEO because I was not old enough. That would never happen in Silicon Valley. You frequently encounter 20-something geniuses here who have a great business idea, and you want to take that meeting.

It was a rude awakening to what I was entering into and how different things were going to be. I was grateful for the experience, but I am glad to be back. Korean businessmen also have a very heavy drinking culture, so my liver suffered tremendously.

When you came back from that, you moved into a venture investment role for Proof Ventures, investing in technologies such as the Internet-of-things and voice recognition. Tell me more about what you were doing in that role?

I started the fund, and the original model was to take Korean entrepreneurs succeeding in Korea and help them expand to the U.S. market. The entire market there is still dominated by the conglomerates. A successful Korean entrepreneur with an ideal domestic client list including all the conglomerates will have his or her margins squeezed by the rampant collusion among the giants. With your suppressed margins, there is really nowhere to grow domestically. Even if the conglomerates make you an offer, they don’t make very good offers and will make sure no other conglomerates give you a counter offer to play them off of each other. I thought there was a market to help the entrepreneurs expand to the U.S. When the entrepreneurs enter the U.S. market, they have very little idea what they are doing. I overestimated the Korean entrepreneurs’ ability to adapt to the U.S. market even with full financial, legal, and operational support. I was early to the market. They have such a unique way of operating that is particular to the Korean market and not very adaptive. In the venture capital, it really comes down to the entrepreneurial team succeeding, and if they don’t succeed, your efforts are in vain, which is what we saw.

The experience gave me exposure to a new set of emerging technologies. In tech, you have to have a willingness to dive in and learn the new technologies. Even in my current role, the CEO had to tutor me in advanced data analytics . It’s been 25 years since I touched code, but I’m playing with R Studio to gain context for what our data practitioners are doing for our clients.

Do you have any advice for current BHP students?

I can share an anecdote. I was mentoring entrepreneurs at Draper University and had a chance to meet the new generation of entrepreneurs. Relative to Silicon Valley where there are so many experienced entrepreneurs, these early entrepreneurs are very green. They have an understandable naiveté about what is in front of them which can provide optimism and a clear vision, but you can see that the current models they are pursuing often have a low probability of success. One student had one of the more viable ideas to provide direct mentoring by Silicon Valley engineers to students aspiring to similar positions and also provide a filtered recruiting channel for employers, but he abandoned his model in favor of a startup swag retailing business that didn’t really add significant value to the market place or enhance his more marketable business skills. I shared with him that his criteria for selecting a business to build shouldn’t neglect looking at the long-term value to his career. Even if the desire is to be a serial entrepreneur, you should consider the marketable value of the skills you develop while building your chosen business.

I would also say if you have interest in data-driven insights, you will likely do well to pursue it as a career.  I’m biased in my opinion, but the more I learn, the more I see that business is only scratching the surface of what true data insight can provide, and almost every sector stands to significantly enhance its decisions and planning over the coming decade as data science progresses.  Currently, demand for skilled experts far exceeds supply, and any solid recruit is practically guaranteed a position.


Alumni Spotlight: Shalou Dhamija Barth, Class of 2001

Shalou BarthShalou Dhamija Barth, BHP ’01, MBA ’09, has recently embarked upon a new adventure as a commercial real estate developer and owner of Unit-D Pizzeria in Austin. She is the President, Managing Partner and one of the Owners of 2406 Manor Road LLC. Shalou went into marketing after BHP, working for Ford Motor Company, North Bay Investment Group and EHDD Architecture. She then held multiple roles at 3M.

You faced some challenges buying your first property. Talk about what those were and how you succeeded in purchasing the property.

This property had been sitting on the market for more than a year. It needed a lot of work. You had to have a creative vision to see the potential, so I think it had been overlooked. Two weeks into the feasibility period, I came across deed restrictions. The first said you could never sell any liquor that was not this one style of beer. The second was a race restriction. No one other than a Caucasian could work, live or own the property unless they were a servant.

The deed restriction affected the entire subdivision, so that affected the property next door as well as many others. The Black Sheep Lodge owners had just signed a lease on the lot next door to create Haymaker, restaurant/bar, and they had not known about the restriction. We all went to the table and I was the only female, non-Caucasian there with 10 men to discuss the alcohol deed restriction that had the potential to destroy revenue streams for everyone at the table. It became clear in that meeting that the only way to change the deed was to get 100 percent of property owners in the area to sign a notarized petition. The owner gave me 30 days to get this done. I knew it would be very difficult, if not impossible to get 100 percent in this amount of time. I was almost ready to give up, but I decided to see what I could do. I started meeting with other property owners in the area. Through conversations, I found legislation that illuminated a different path that allowed me to change the deed with less than 100 percent. It was a big breakthrough. I got another 14 days and changed the deed with all the votes I needed from neighboring property owners.

A lot of people probably would have thrown in the towel when faced with so many challenges, especially when doing something for the first time. Why did you persist?

I hate hearing no, but more so, I was really committed to the vision. I started marketing the property for lease when I was under contract. In that process, a lot of people wanted to buy it or partner with me on it. Being a resident in the neighborhood, I felt like I knew what the community needed and what would work well there. I could tell these other investors would not stay true to the vision I had. I knew my team and I could create something really great, and I wanted to see that vision through.

What made you want to jump into real estate development and how did you learn the skills necessary to be successful in that field?

I have always really appreciated built spaces and creating places that the community could engage in. In California, I started in real estate brokerage and it gave me a glimpse of what buildings could be. My passion grew for spaces and I happened to marry an architect. I just became very interested in developing my own property. My experience in brokerage helped me understand the economic models behind investment properties. Through my jobs in architecture, I knew the value of beautiful spaces and how people are drawn to spaces with good design. The development side is a skill I am learning. I like operating outside my comfort zone, so it is exciting for me to learn something new. I am using my skills from BHP and MBA as well as my network. I consulted with my MBA classmates who took jobs in real estate development and brought my financial models and ideas to them. They helped me build the confidence and skills needed to execute what I planned. When I was trying to find a path to overcome the deed restrictions, I actually found an attorney in Houston, who is a BHP alum, who specialized in the specific legislation I surfaced. I called him and used the BHP connection to start a conversation. BHP helped me gain immediate credibility with him and he helped me with the documentation required.

You worked in the male-dominated car sales field for Ford and now you are working in another male-dominated field – real estate development. Have you faced any challenges being in the minority and do you operate any differently to account for this?

I think it is an advantage to be a female in a male-dominated field. I think I have had the ability to bring a fresh perspective. As an example, I walked into City Planning & Development office in Austin, which is a bunch of veteran good ‘ole boys, similar to the guys at Ford dealerships. I took the same approach I did with Ford. I let them know I am smart and a quick study, but I am not a know-it-all. Being assertive, but humble has taken me far. I need to make sure my voice is heard and that I am prepared. I don’t just hope it will work out, I come prepared. I am competitive and love challenges, so being in the minority fires me up to rise above the crowd.

Your previous work includes stints in marketing, product management, venture capital, real estate investing, and operations consulting. Do you feel this broad base of experience prepared you well for owning your own business?

Absolutely, it started from BHP, where I felt like I was obtaining a mini-MBA. The case-based method and broad academic focus was the first step in arming me with skills that would enable me to start my own business. I wish I had started a company while in school, but instead I chose to explore hands-on opportunities and varying roles to extend my education. I love being out of my comfort zone, and that is evident in my career path. I have about a 12 ½ month clock where I start to get antsy and want to try something new. All of the roles prepared me for a long-term career in entrepreneurship.

You opened Unit-D Pizzeria around the same time as having your first child. What have been the challenges of juggling motherhood with owning a restaurant for the first time?

My son was born six days after the restaurant opened. Because I had a ticking time bomb in my belly, I am pretty confident I opened Unit-D in record time. I was extremely motivated to open quickly. I knew once the baby came it would unfeasible to get it open. It forced my chef and team to learn a lot very quickly and to get to know each other very well during that time of duress. There are so many distractions with the new baby and trying to operate at a functional level has been hard. It has been an exceptional lesson in time management, prioritization, and delegation.

What are you most focused on right now and what are your plans from here?

I am focused on being a present mom. I am not a full-time mom. I still run the restaurant, but I have a great team in place. I have a property manager, so I am able to keep my high level hat on and continue to drive the property forward. My hope is by the one-year-mark for both my son and the restaurant, I will start pursuing some new projects in the real estate development realm. Being an entrepreneur is in my DNA. On the two to five year horizon, I would like to bring to market at least one of the product ideas that I have in the hopper.  While Austin feels quite saturated with restaurants right now, I’ve had a concept in mind that I believe would fill a gap in the market in a big way so that may be in the cards, as well.

What advice do you have for current students?

Take advantage of the time while you are in school to take risks. It is a time you will never get back and a unique time when you have very little to lose. Your peer set is so strong and capable. The professors are there to offer advice. There are so many resources. It is the perfect environment for pursuing entrepreneurial dreams. If I could rewind, I would not hesitate to follow through on my business ideas. Be comfortable with the idea of failing and realize that failing is just as helpful and powerful as succeeding.

Alumni Spotlight: Travis Devitt – Class of 2006, Director of Growth at Aceable

Travis DevittTravis Devitt, BHP ’06, is the Director of Growth at Aceable, an Austin-based startup focused on mobile apps for required education courses. He leads user acquisition efforts in both paid and unpaid channels, manages analytics and reporting for products, and assists with product management and marketing. Travis is also an Angel Investor and is very connected to the startup scene in Austin.

How did you learn about the Tradecraft program and what was your experience like with that program?

It was a culmination of a couple years of figuring out what my next move would be. I majored in finance and was very focused on investing. I spent the first 8 years of my career doing investing and hedge funds. I loved it, but I didn’t love the work product. I didn’t feel like we were making society better or contributing to society in a meaningful way. I started thinking about what else I would be interested in doing. I had been interested in technology and tech startups since high school and I minored in MIS at UT. I thought about doing a startup of my own or going to work for an early-stage company, but I realized I needed to build up my skill sets before taking that next move.

I started looking at 12-15 week boot camps that were full-time, intensive experiences. I searched and found Tradecraft—a boot camp for people wanting to get into startups who don’t want to be developers. They were focusing on the other skill sets startups need, which are sales and business development, growth marketing, product development and design and user experience. Growth marketing is really a combination of technology, business and marketing, which was a really fitting combination for me, so I chose that track.

I moved out to San Francisco for the 12-week Tradecraft program. I really enjoyed my time there and connected with a lot of smart people in the startup eco-system in San Francisco, both in and out of Tradecraft. They brought in mentors from the top startups in town. We worked on real-world projects with startups, so we were learning by doing, like how BHP does with case-based learning. It was a fantastic experience – I put a lot into it and worked long hours, but I got a lot out of it. I stayed on with a startup I had as a project there called Naja as their sole marketing person for a couple months. After that, I consulted for a few startups, waiting for the right opportunity.

Aceable ended up being that right opportunity. How did your connection to Aceable come about and what are your goals for the company?

When I was at the hedge fund, I had started doing some investing on the side in some startups with my own personal funds and one of those was Student Loan Genius, a startup here in town. The CEO of that company was good friends with the CEO of Aceable. Aceable only had 5-6 employees at the time. They were both at Capital Factory and knew each other well. I shared my interest in getting in at an early stage with an education-based startup. They were looking for someone to help with mobile marketing and analytics challenges they were having. I wanted to work on a mobile product because I feel like mobile is the computing platform of the world, so it was a good fit for me, and I hit it off with the CEO

Aceable wants to be the provider of mobile education for required education courses. Today we are focused on the driver’s education space. We were the first company to offer a full certified drivers education course on a mobile device. You can take all of your online driver’s ed through an app. We also focused on making the content mobile-specific in design. We still have a lot of market share to capture in the driving space, but our big vision is to conquer a lot of the required education courses, whether that is scuba certification, real estate licenses, TABC certification, etc. We have grown from $200,000 in annual revenue when I joined to having high seven figure, approaching eight figure goals this year.

For students interested in entrepreneurship, what would you recommend for them to do right now while they are in school?

Think about what skills you can develop to become a contributor. Whether that is at your own startup or someone else’s. Entrepreneurship is glorified, but there is a lot of unsexy things about it. You have to wear a lot of hats, get things done, and be resourceful. There are a lot of skill sets from engineering the product, to marketing the product, to design, and so on. Develop those skill sets outside of the classes you are taking. If you are developing a web product, learn Java Script and HTML. If you want to develop a mobile product, maybe learn Swift. Be self-directed learners. You need to be able to understand all the different functions that make a business successful. Our CEO interfaces with the product team, marketing team, development team, design team and customer experience team. You need to understand all of their functions, what the constraints are and what kind of people we need to hire. There is a lot to learn, so start now. Even just reading can be a significant benefit. Follow thought leaders to familiarize yourself. Read a book on venture capital term sheets from Brad Feld. Go to a startup demo day. If you have the opportunity, go intern at a startup. That is really the best way to learn.

You have been involved in the startup scene in San Francisco and Austin. How would you compare the two and what do you think are Austin’s unique advantages?

The two things that are night and day are the volume of people working in startups and the volume of startups that exist in San Francisco/Silicon Valley—the largest startup ecosystem on the planet. There is a movement for startup ecosystems to develop outside of there and one of those is Austin. I loved being part of that community, but cost and quality of life were big factors in wanting to come back to Austin. It is much less expensive to live here. If you start a company in Austin, you know where the resources are and that you will have community support from other entrepreneurs. It is more competitive in San Francisco. There are opportunities to have more visibility in Austin if you are successful.  It is a little harder to raise capital in Austin, but I think that will change in the next few years I wanted to be a part of what is happening here.

How many startups are your currently investing in and what metrics do you use to determine what you will invest in?

I am invested in 13 companies, so I have slowed down some. I want to let the current portfolio play out. When there are good opportunities though, I don’t want to pass on them. I care about the market and the idea, but I care equally about the people starting the company. I used to think it was more important to back companies investing in large markets, but after watching companies succeed and fail from my portfolio, a lot of it has come down to picking the right people to bet on. I want the entrepreneurs who can fight through the adversity and will their way to success. I am looking for new approaches in big markets of course. If it is a limited market, with a 70-80% failure rate, you can’t back the 2-3X winners, you need to back the ones that are the 10X-100X to make your portfolio make sense. The 20% that survive need to be very successful.

Valuation plays very little role. Most startups are raising in the same valuation range anyways. I am part of two angel networks in town. Next Gen Venture Partners, a nation-wide Angel Network with an Austin Chapter, is the one I am most active with It is a group of people involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We bring value in the form of investment and advice. We also learn from each other at the same time.

How did your early roles in hedge funds prepare you for the type of work you are doing now?

It helped me become sharp at analyzing numbers, but also analyzing people. That has been as important as the financial analysis side. You have to understand numbers and income and cash flow, but understanding how people affect the business is also critical. That translates into hiring. You have to figure out if they can actually do what they say they can. For Aceable, I grew the marketing team from one person to seven of the right people. Hedge fund roles also gave me the toolset to quickly research markets and industry verticals, which will be critical for Aceable going forward.