Leadership Kickoff and Sophomore Social Co-Chair Applications Being Accepted

The BHP office is currently taking applications for the roles of Leadership Kickoff Co-Chair and Sophomore Social Co-Chair (as well as other positions). These positions are essential to the program and a great way to get more involved, gain skills and help others! Read more about the experiences of the fall 2015 Kickoff co-chairs, Kate Shanks and Michelle Zhang, as well as Maya Josiam’s experience as one of the Sophomore Social co-chairs. Applications for these positions are due Friday, March 11 to the BHP office no later than 5 pm. Check your email for an application.

LKcochairs2015 Leadership Kickoff Co-Chairs – Kate Shanks and Michelle Zhang

Why did you apply to be a co-chair?

Kate: I heard about the position from one of the co-chairs from the year before; she loved the experience, which made me look into it. As I learned more, I really wanted to add more social events in the schedule of the weekend to encourage more bonding.

Michelle: I think first impressions are an incredibly important factor for pretty much ANYTHING, and I wanted the Class of 2019’s first impression of BHP to be nothing but amazing.

What have you gained/valued from the experience?

Kate: I know how to make jello now.

Michelle: Same. Also we know who our perfect team counterparts are, because it’s each other. (I’m the creative, experience-focused one, and Kate is the logistic, practical one.)

Why (or to whom) would you recommend applying for this position?

Kate: I would recommend other students apply to be kickoff co-chair because it’s an incredible way to have an impact on the BHP experience of an entire entering class. Also your co might become one of your favorite people.

Michelle: If you have good organizational skills and genuinely want to provide a great introductory experience for the incoming freshmen, I would for sure recommend applying. Even if you’ve never planned an event like this but you have some great ideas – do it!


2015 Sophomore Social Co-Chair – Maya Josiam

MayaWhy did you apply to be Sophomore Social Co-Chair?

I applied to be a co-chair because I wanted to get to know the members of my own class better while organizing a fun event. Sophomore Social is a great event to introduce people to each other and create friendships that may not have time to form in just a classroom setting. I am a big proponent of party games, and the Sophomore Social was a chance to put together a big social just for the sophomore class to reconnect and get to know the new transfers too.

Why (or to whom) would you recommend applying for this position?

I would recommend applying for Sophomore Social Co-Chair to anyone who likes planning fun events and wants to get to know the sophomore class (and office staff) better. If you like party games, planning hangouts, or working with fun-loving people to create a relaxed event, this is the position for you!

What have you gained/valued from the experience?

I gained valuable event planning experience like learning how to market an event and set up a timeline. Also, I learned how to improvise and delegate on the fly, which was a great learning experience in a relatively relaxed environment. I really valued being able to create an event that brought my class closer and work with the awesome staff and my co-chair, Katie, to put this event together.

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